
第17章 Unit Five The Power of Words (1)


1) If you me up ,I can just reach the window.

A.rise B.a rise

C.boost D.carry

2) With the development of indust ry ,this r egion will sur ely .

A.develop B.profit

C.succeed D.thr ive

3) He is on te rms with my father.

A.interval B.irr egula r

C.intima te D.fr iend

4) The woolen sweater afte r wash.

A.has shrunk B.has s hrunken

C.has been shrunk D.shrink

5) I ask he r whe re Sam was ,but she just her shoulders ,saying she didn’t know and didn’t care.

A.shook B.nodded

C.pat ted D.shrugged

6) We can r ely on William to carry out this mis sion ,for his judgment is always.

A.doubtless B.sound

C.subtle D.health

7) She made an for a job as a nurse.

A.appointment B.application

C.apposition D.appreciation

8) Leave a if you don’t know the answer.

A.blank B.blanked

C.black D.blind

9) I a figure at the end of the corridor.

A.glance B.glimpse

C.sight D.look

10) Par ents have a legal to ensure that their children

a re provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

A.impulse B.influence

C.obliga tion D.sympathy

11) The murder er a danger into he r hear t.

A.plugged B.penet rated

C.pr es sed D.thrust

12) So far as he could ,John had always t ried to the example he saw in London

A.live up to B.set for th

C.call for D.cut out

13) With sufficient scientific information a manned tr ip to Ma rs should be.

A.obtainable B.potential

C.considerable D.feasible

14) Achieving a high degree of proficiency in English as Foreign Language is not a myste rious with scientific approaches

as basis.

A.proces s B.practice

C.procedure D.program

15) Don’t the news to the public until we give you the go head.

A.r elease B.disca rd

C.relieve D.retain


1) B 2 ) D 3 ) C 4) A 5 ) D 6 ) B 7) B 8) A

9) A 10) A 11) D 12 ) A 13 ) D 14) A 15) A

Part One In Class Reading

The Power of a Note


acquaintance4 [..kweint..ns ] n.相识,熟人

[ 考点] make an acquaintance 认识一个人,结识一个人

[ 例句] I met an acquaintance of myself in the str eet yesterday.

affected [....fektid] adj.做作的,不自然的

[ 例句] I don’t like her affected speech.

aloof [....lu..f] adj.冷淡的,超然离群的

[ 同义] cool ,r emote

anniversary6 [.... ni..v....s..ri ] n.周年纪念

boost4 [ bu..st ] n.鼓励,激励,提高


[ 同义] encourage ,propel

[ 考点] boost/ imports/ sha re prices/ the dollar 增加进口/ 提高股票价格/ 提高美元汇价

to boost prices 提高价格

a boost to our spirits 对我们精神上的鼓舞

[ 例句] The unexpected win boost the team’s morale.意外的胜利鼓舞了全队的士气。

characterize4 [..k .. rikt..r aiz ] (亦作:cha racte rise ) v.① 以.为特征②描述.的特征,描绘

[ 考点] characterize sb ./ sth.as sth.将某人/ 某事物的特点描述成或刻画成某事物

[ 例句] This kind of behavior cha racterizes the cr iminal mind.

column4 [..k..l..m] n.① (报纸的) 专栏②圆柱([同义] pil- lar ) ③一队/ 列(人,车等) ,纵行

[ 考点] a column of 一柱,一股,一列

columnist 专栏作家

a column of smoke 烟柱

[ 例句] I always r ead her column in the local newspaper.

complimentary* [ k..mpli..ment..ri ] ad j.赞美的,赞赏的

[ 同义] praised

[ 考点] be complimentary of sth.赞扬某事

be complimentary about sth.赞扬某事物

[ 例句] She was highly complimentary about my paintings.

cordial6 [..k....di..l ] adj.诚挚的,友好的

[ 同义] sincer e

drawback6 [..dr....b .. k] n.不利条件,缺点,弊端

[ 同义] defect ,weakness

enterprise6 [..ent..praiz ] n.①企业,公司②事业,计划,行动

[ 同义] corporation ,firm,company

enthusiasm4 [ in....ju..zi .. zm;(US) -..u..-] n.①热情,激情;巨大兴趣②热衷的事物

[ 同义] passion ,fervor ,zeal

[ 考点] his enthusiasm for (about ) table tennis 他热衷于打乒乓球

[ 例句] Anthropology is his enthusiasm.人类学是他热心研究的学科。

freshness* [..fre..nis ] n.新意;勃勃生机

handwritten* [..h .. nd..ritn] (handwrite 的过去分词) adj.手写的

[ 例句] That teacher doesn’t like handwrit ten homework.

insincere* [..insin..si..] ad j.不真诚的

[ 反义] sincer e ,wholehea rted ,hea r tfelt

[ 例句] His insince re words ins ulted me.

intrigue6 [ in..t ri....] v.激起.的好奇心(或兴趣) ,迷住

[ 同义] interest

[ 考点] int rigue with 密谋;策划阴谋

[ 例句] 1 ) The notice int rigued many students.这张布告引起了许多同学的兴趣。

2 ) Your story int rigues me.你的故事引起我极大的兴趣。

investment4 [ in..vestm..nt ] n.①投资②投资额

[ 考点] investment in sth..的投资

investment in sth..的投资额

outwa rd/ inwa rd investments 国外/ 国内投资

a large in land investment 对土地的大量投资

make an investment of one million in a project 对一项工程投资100 万

[ 例句] I t is a perfect safe investment.这是万无一失的投资。

leader4 [..li..d..] n.领导者,指挥者

[ 考点] the leaders in China Daily 中国日报社论

[ 例句] Our teache r is the leader - she will show us wher e to go.

long distance* [ l......dist..ns] adj.长距离的

[ 例句] Tom and Jack’s long distance relationship lasted only one year.

mate4 [ meit ] n.朋友,伙伴,同事

[ 同义] par tner ,friend ,couple pair

[ 考点] go ma tes with 与.合伙,和.成为伙伴

a builder’s mate 建筑工的助手

[ 例句] I went s hopping with my mates yeste rday.mayor4 [ m....;(US) ..mei..] n.市长

[ 例句] The city council voted for the mayor ’s proposed budget.

memo [..mem..u] n.备忘录

[ 例句] I did not read the memo on time and mis sed the impor tant meeting.

mentor [..ment....] n.指导者,良师益友

[ 例句] My middle school English teacher is my mentor.

milestone [..mailst..un] n.里程碑,重大事件

[ 例句] 1) The invention of the compute r was a milestone in the history of man.

2) The invention of the wheel was a milestone in the history of the world.

overdue [....uv....dju..;(US) ..du..] adj.延误的,到期(未付)的

[ 同义] tardy ,late

[ 反义] ear ly ,punctual,prompt

[ 辨析] overdue;late;ta rdy overdue 指的是已经该处理的事情仍然没有处理,该到的还没有到,或者是该发生的还没有发生;late 表示因磨蹭、拖沓时间或者动作比较缓慢而没有按时到达;ta rdy 表示因动作慢或者是出发较晚而迟到。

[ 例句] 1 ) Your book is overdue for two weeks.

2 ) They produced the long overdue tax reform.pad4 [ p .. d] n.①便笺本,拍纸薄②垫,衬垫

[ 同义] notebook

[ 考点] to put a pad under a plate 在盘子下面放一个垫子telephone numbers writ ten on a pad 写在拍纸簿上的电话号码a pad of green lawn between two heathe ry steeps 在两处石南丛生的陡坡中间的一小块绿草地to pad out an ar ticle拼凑一篇文章to pad out one’s s peech 拼凑演说

[ 例句] 1 ) Ame rican footballers wear shoulder pads for protection.

2 ) The students wrote some information on his note pad.

poetic* [ p..u..etik ] ad j.诗人的;富有诗意的,善于抒情的

practitioner [ pr .. k..ti....n..] n.开业者,执业者;实践者

precise4 [ pri..sais] adj.精确的,准确的

[ 同义] accur ate,exact ,precise

[ 反义] incorrect ,vague

[ 考点] a t that precise moment 恰恰在那个时刻precise manners 彬彬有礼

[ 辨析] accur ate;exact;precise accur ate 强调的是因为细心、谨慎而实现的“准确”;exact 指的是严格遵守事实的,严格按照标准的;pr ecise 尤指定义上的和界定上的“精确”、“明确”。

[ 例句] 1 ) The ruler is precise to within a millimeter.

2 ) He does not talk too much ,and what he has to say is precise and to the point.

rag-eared* [..r ....i..d] adj.(书页) 折角的,(书等) 翻旧了的,破旧的

[ 例句] He ca rried a rag eared copy of a picture in his wallet.

recipient6 [ ri..sipi..nt ] n.接受者

[ 同义] receive r

[ 考点] a welfa re recipient 接受福利救济的人

the recipient of a let ter/ prize 收信/ 领奖的人

a recipient count ry 受援国

savor [..seiv..] v.品味,体验

[ 同义] taste ,experience ,flavor

[ 辨析] taste;flavor;savor taste 是最宽泛的用词,意思是“尝起来像.”。如I had never had fish that taste like that.有时候还

可以指“生活方式或服饰上的品味”。如She has no expensive tastes in dr ess.flavor 一般指味觉和嗅觉混合的结果,作动词时表示给. 调味,其句型结构是flavor sth with sth.experience (proces s of gaining) knowledge and skill acquir ed from seeing and doing things;savor 强调的是一种微妙的,给人的味觉带来难以言表的美好感受的好味道。

[ 例句] He sipped slowly to get the full savor of the wine.

sentimental * [..senti..mentl ] ad j.多情的,多愁善感的