[ 考点] in chorus 齐声说
[ 例句] 1 ) “No”the boys answer ed in chorus.
2 )“Not now”the Children Chorus r efused ,“we’ re watching a programme .”
civic [..sivik ] ad j.公民的,市民的
[ 同义] local ,public
[ 例句] The pr ime Minister met many civic leade rs ,including the mayor and the leade rs of the immigr ate communities.
cop4 [ k..p] n.(俚语) 警察
[ 考点] a cop shop 警察局
[ 例句]“Quick ,run the re’s a cop coming .”
crack4 [ kr .. k] n.强效可卡因
[ 同义] break ,shat ter ,split
[ 辨析] c rack;break;shat ter;split c rack 表面出现裂纹,受损或开始破裂;break 突然或用力把某物分成两块或几块;shatte r 某物,特别是玻璃受到撞击或跌落之后裂或许多小碎块;split 木头、骨头沿一条直线裂成两块。
[ 例句] Old china cr ack s easily.
developer [ di..vel..p..] n.(房地产) 开发商,开发者
disturbance6 [ di..st....b..ns] n.扰乱,骚动
[ 同义] disorde r ,r iot ,uproa r
[ 反义] peace,quite,rest
[ 例句] There was a minor disturbance during the demon station ,but nobody was injured.
domestic4 [ d....mestik] n.家仆,佣人ad j.家庭的,本国的,国内的
[ 同义] internal ,national
[ 辨析] national;domestic;internal
national 发生在某一特定国家或与之有关,或该国家的组成部分或与其他国家相对应;domestic 发生在某一特定国家或与之有关,与其他国家相对;internal 影响某一个国家,尤其是在政治方面,不涉及其他国家。
[ 例句] They produce both for the domestic ma rket and for
expor t.
driveway [..draivwei ] n.(通往住宅的) 通道
frame4 [ fr eim] n.构架
[ 同义] body ,const ruction ,form,st ructure
[ 考点] sb .’s frame of mind/ in + adj.+ frame of mind 某人的心思
[ 例句] A tent basically consists of a frame of metal or wooden poles covered by a sheet of cloth or plastic.
gasoline4 [...... s..li..n] n.(AmE) 汽油
[ 同义] pet rol ,gas
[ 例句] We’re out of gasoline.
gunman [......nm..n] n.持枪歹徒
[ 同义] assas sin ,gangste r ,killer ,terror ist
[ 例句] The three men were hold hostage for two day by days by mas ked gunmen.
haven [..heivn] n.避难所
[ 同义] safty ,refuge
[ 考点] a haven from sth.逃避.的地方
a haven for sb.给.的庇护所
[ 辨析] safety;refuge;haven
safety 一个安全没有危险的地方;refuge 一个和平的地方,你可以去那里躲避危险,尤其是被袭击的危险;haven 一个和平的地方,人们去那里是为了躲避危险或磨难,在那里人们感觉很安全。
[ 例句] 1 ) The ga rden was a haven from the noise and bustle of the city.
2) They wanted to provide safe havens for the refugees.
holdup [..h..uld..p] n.持枪抢劫
[ 同义] stick up ,raid
[ 考点] commit;holdup
[ 辨析] holdup/ hold up;stick up;r aid
holdup/ hold up 从银行或火车之类的地方偷东西,并用枪威胁那里的人;stick up 美国英语对hold up 的非正式的表达;raid 精心策划并实施的从银行、商店偷东西的行动。
[ 例句] Even children commit holdup and shoutings in some par ts of the count ry.
homestead [..h..umsted] n.家园,家宅
interviewer [..int..vju....] n.接见者,采访者
intimidate6 [ in..timideit ] v.恐吓,威胁
linebacker [..lain..b .. k..] n.(橄榄球的) 中后卫
martyr [..m....t..] n.烈士
opt imist [....ptimist ] n.乐观主义者
paycheck [..peit..ek ] n.支付工资的支票
[ 例句] It’s easy to go on expensive holiday when you have a paycheck in the pocket.
pistol6 [..pistl ] n.手枪
pityingly [ piti..li] adv.同情地
pro [ pr..u] n.专门职业者
[ 反义] amateur ,unprofes sional
[ 例句] The r eal pros all have someone to ca rry their golf clubs a round for them.
quarterback [..kw....t..b .. k] n.(橄榄球中的) 四分卫rent4 [ rent ] n.租金
[ 例句] We let the spa re room at a monthly r ent of $35.shouting [....auti..] n.开枪,射杀
[ 例句] He also has been involved in planning bombings and shoutings.
sickly [..sikli ] ad j.多病的,病弱的
[ 同义] delicate ,weak ,be prone to
[ 反义] healthy ,robust ,strong
[ 辨析] sickly;delicate;be prone to
sickly 经常生病;delicate 身体弱,不健全,容易
生病;be prone to 容易生病或患某种疾病。
[ 例句] She’s a sickly child and is always having time left school.
solemn4 [..s..l..m] ad j.严肃的,不苟言笑的
[ 同义] grave ,gr im,somber
[ 反义] fr ivolous ,light hear ted
[ 辨析] grave;gr im;solemn;sombe r
grave 安静、非常严肃,尤其是因为发生了重要的或令人担心的事情;gr im 因为生气,紧张不安,担心而很严肃,没有笑容;solemn 因为处于重要或悲伤的场合或仪式而非常严肃;somber 因为不愉快或令人担心的事情已经发生或将要发生而变得悲伤、安静、严肃。
[ 例句] Everyone stood respectfully and looked solemn throughout the fune ral.
suburb4 [..s..b....b] n.市郊,郊区
[ 同义] outskir t
[ 反义] urban
[ 辨析] suburb;outs kir t
suburb 市中心外面的地区,人们居住于此是因为它比市中心有更大的空间、更安静;outskir t 环绕着城市边缘的地区。
[ 例句] The t rain took us through the seemingly endles s Tokyo suburbs.
tag6 [ t ....] n.捉人游戏,标签
[ 同义] identification ,label ,ma rk
[ 辨析] label;tag
label 经常用来描叙某人或某物,表明人们认为他们通常是不公正地属于某种特定类型;tag 通常与某人名字连在一起的语句,用来描述他的性格、行为,尤其是本人不喜欢。
[ 例句] Now that he is a respectable politician ,he is anxious to shake off the“Mafia man”tag.
tireless [..tai..lis] adj.不知疲倦的
trash4 [ t r ....] n.垃圾
unlatched [..n..l .. t..t ] ad j.未锁的
draw one’s attent ion to 使人注意
[ 例句] He had praised the French leader for dr awing wor ld at tention to this problem.
for rent 供租用的
[ 例句] Ther e is no ca r for rent.
get by (勉强) 过活,(使) 过得去
[ 例句] He had managed to get by without much reading or writing.
hang out (俚语) 闲荡
[ 例句] Hanging out all day is no good for you.
keep an eye on 照料
[ 例句] Will you keep an eye on my children while I am out for shopping?
ring out 发出响亮的声音
[ 例句] The old clock r ang out 10 o’clock.
split up 断绝关系,离婚
[ 例句] Af ter he split up with his wife ,he went to Arizona.
stand up for 支持,维护,保卫
[ 例句] Childr en a re among the least able to stand up for their rights.
stand up to 勇敢地面对
[ 例句] Mrs.Thatche r had stood up to international pressure.
Passage Ⅱ Rescue at Dotson Creek
academy4 [....k .. d..mi ] n.(中等以上的) 专门学校;研究会,学会
[ 同义] college ,institute ,university
[ 例句] She was the fi rst woman to be elected to the French Academy.
anchor4 [......k..] v.使稳固,固定;抛锚停船
[ 同义] affix ,a ttach ,fasten ,fix ,moor
[ 例句] 1) They are planting t rees to try to anchor down the sand dunes.
2) Be car eful whe re you anchor the boa t.
ankle4 [......kl] n.踝,踝关节
[ 考点] sprain/ twist one’s ankle 扭了.的脚踝
[ 例句] I fell over and twisted my ankle.
armpi t [......mpit ] n.腋窝
[ 例句] Whenever I do any kind of spor t ,I always get sweaty armpit.
chatter [..t.... t..] v.(指牙齿) 打颤
[ 例句] I could ha rdly talk ,my teeth wer e chat tering so much.
console6 [..k..ns..ul] v.安慰,慰问
[ 同义] comfor t ,reassur e,soothe
[ 反义] agita te,upset
[ 考点] console sb with sth.用.安慰某人
console sb on sth ./ doing sth.因.而安慰某人
[ 辨析] comfor t;console;r eassur e;soothe comfor t 通过交谈或搂抱来安慰某人;console 在某人感觉不高兴或失望时安慰他,尤其是通过交谈让他们认识到情况没有他们想像的那么糟;r e- assure 使某人减少到事情的担心或恐惧,比如对他们友好或告诉他们没什么可担心的;soothe 当人们紧张、焦虑时让他们变得镇静和放松。
[ 例句] 1 ) I tr ied to console her with a box of chocola te.
2 ) I was just consoling he r on having broken up with her boy fr iend.
clench [ klent..] v.紧抓
[ 例句] Sam clenched the toy ca r tightly in his hands and won’t give it to his brother.
county4 [..kaunti] n.县,郡
[ 同义] dist rict ,province,shir e
[ 辨析] province;county;shire;district province 一些国家最主要的区域划分单位;county (英国) 地方政府最大的单位(美国) 州之下最大的单位;shire 是county 的旧式说法;dist rict 郡、市等出于种种官方目的而进行的固定的划分方法。
[ 例句] A county usually consists of seve ral towns and the raced ar eas which around them.
creek [ kr i..k;(US) krik] n.小溪
[ 同义] brood ,str eam.
[ 考点] be up the creek = be in t rouble 陷入麻烦
[ 例句] If any mor e people resign ,we’ll be up the c reek.
crude4 [ kru..d ] ad j.简陋的,天然的,未加工的
[ 同义] simple ,basic,pr imitive
[ 辨析] simple;basic;crude;pr imitive simple 制作不复杂的;basic (设备、工具、设计) 具备你所需要的最重要的东西,但没有其他让这些设备、工具更舒适、漂亮、有用的特征;crude 制作简单、笨拙,不太注重外表;primitive (工具、机器) 与同一用途的现代用品相比十分简单。
[ 例句] Babbage’s great calculating machine was a crude form of computer.
drag [ dru ....] v.①拉,拽,迫使②拖延
[ 同义] haul,lug ,heave ,wea r on