烧烤鸡排三明治broiled chicken chop sandwich
牛排三明治beef steak sandwich
橄榄三明治Olive sandwich
扁豆玉米煎饼三明治hyacinth bean/dolichos bean and corn cake sandwich
蘑菇西红柿三明治tomato and mushroom sandwich
芸豆三明治kidney bean sandwich
素菜三明治vegetable sandwich
梨蛋三明治pear and egg sandwich
蒜泥色拉三明治garlic salad sandwich
烤鸭三明治roasted duck sandwich
猪柳三明治pork chop sandwich
串烧三明治yakitori sandwich
公司三明治company sandwich
时尚三明治fashionable sandwich
3 汉堡包(Hamburgers)
牛肉汉堡包beef hamburger
鸡肉汉堡包chicken hamburger
吉士汉堡cheese hamburger
双层汉堡double hamburger
双层吉士汉堡double cheese hamburger
巨无霸big mac
牛排汉堡beef steak hamburger
鸡腿汉堡chicken leg hamburger
猪肉汉堡pork hamburger
鱼肉汉堡fish hamburger
奶酪汉堡cheese hamburger
三文鱼奶酪汉堡salmon and cheese hamburger
蓝波芝士汉堡blue cheese hamburger
营养芝士汉堡扒nutrition cheese hamburger
奶酪鸡肉汉堡包cheese and chicken hamburger
蔬菜汉堡vegetable hamburger
荷包蛋汉堡包poached egg hamburger
鸡块汉堡chicken cutlet hamburger
鸡蛋蘑菇汉堡egg and mushroom hamburger
煎封豆腐汉堡fried bean curd hamburger
4 热狗(Hot Dogs)
美式热狗American hot dog
家常热狗面包home style hot dog
热狗面包hot dog
沙拉热狗面包salad hot dog
葱花热狗hot dog with chopped green onion
蔬菜热狗面包vegetable hot dog
简易热狗plain hot dog
肉松热狗dried pork floss hot dog
5 比萨(Pizzas)
奶酪比萨饼cheese pizza;plain cheese pizza(spicy tomato sauce with cheese)
海鲜比萨seafood pizza
烤牛肉蘑菇比萨roast beef and mushroom pizza
基本比萨basic pizza
家常比萨home style pizza
什锦海鲜比萨assorted seafood pizza
火腿橄榄比萨ham and olive pizza
夏威夷比萨Hawaii pizza
原味番茄比萨Original tomato pizza
水果比萨fruit pizza
什锦蔬菜比萨assorted vegetable pizza
辣椒牛肉丸比萨beef ball and pepper pizza
培根洋葱比萨bacon and onion pizza
鸡丝芙蓉比萨shreded chicken and egg pizza
蒜蓉比萨minced garlic pizza
火腿红肠比萨ham and sausage pizza
咸蛋黄虾仁比萨salted egg yolk and shrimp meat pizza
时蔬比萨seasonal vegetable pizza
烤鸭比萨roasted duck pizza
苹果比萨apple pizza
朝鲜蓟比萨artichoke pizza
煎锅比萨pan pizza
爱情比萨love pizza
绿花椰三角比萨******** pizza with green broccoli
河虾仁比萨shrimp meat pizza
经典比萨classic pizza
自制比萨homemade pizza
番茄蔬菜比萨tomato and vegetable pizza
猪肉比萨pork pizza
玛格丽特比萨margarita pizza
蘑菇火腿比萨mushroom and ham pizza
田园蔬菜比萨garden vegetable pizza
黑胡椒火腿比萨ham and black pepper pizza
菠萝比萨pineapple pizza
苹果派apple pie
干果派assorted nuts pie
肉馅饼meat pie; patty
牛肉馅饼;汉堡包hamburger patty; hamburger
薄荷糕pepper mint patty
苹果饼;苹果派;苹果馅饼apple pie; apple tart
水果馅饼fruit pie; fruit flan
果馅饼tart; flan
巧克力馅饼;巧克力饼;巧克力派chocolate pie
柠檬饼;柠檬派lemon pie
香蕉饼;香蕉派banana pie
奶昔饼;奶昔派milk curd pie
法式甜馅饼french pastry
南瓜派pumpkin pie
草莓批strawberry pie
酸橙派key lime pie
美洲山核桃批pecan pie
酥皮苹果点心apple crumble
脆皮蓝草莓馅饼blueberry cobbler
蛋白椰子饼coconut macaroons
葡萄干布丁raisin pudding
牛奶布丁milk pudding
黄油布丁butter pudding
面包布丁bread pudding
水果面包布丁fruit and bread pudding
大米布丁rice pudding
奶蛋饼布丁custard pudding
煎白兰地布丁fried brandy pudding
白巧克力奶油布丁white chocolate brulee
绿茶布丁green tea pudding
芒果布丁mango pudding
热枣布丁warm sticky date pudding
香草布丁Vanilla pudding
焦糖布丁cream caramel;caramel custard Puddinp;crème caramel
云呢拿忌廉布丁frozen cream
咖啡奶酪布丁coffee and cheese pudding
奶油蛋糕cream cake
夹心蛋糕layer cake
黑森林蛋糕black forest cake
英式水果蛋糕English fruit cake
乳酪蛋糕cheese cake
草莓奶酪蛋糕strawberry cheese cake
草莓蛋糕strawberry cake
蓝莓奶酪蛋糕blueberry cheese cake
美式奶酪蛋糕American cheese cake
绿茶奶酪蛋糕green tea cheese cake
意大利提拉米苏Italian tiramisu
大理石奶酪蛋糕marble cheese cake
咖啡奶酪蛋糕coffee cheese cake
天使蛋糕angel food cake
红莓松糕cranberry muffin
琳泽蛋糕linzer cake
芒果木司蛋糕mango mousse cake
黄油蛋糕butter cake
柠檬卷蛋糕lemon roll
栗子蛋糕chestnut cake
巧克力软糖蛋糕truffle chocolate cake
乳酪蛋糕cheese cake
脱脂蛋糕non fat cake
裱花蛋糕decorative cake
大块蛋糕sheet cake
海绵蛋糕sponge cake
戚风蛋糕chiffon cake
纸杯蛋糕cup cake
蓝莓松糕blueberry muffin
巧克力榛子蛋糕chocolate hazelnut cake
拿破仑蛋糕Napoleon cake
巧克力木司chocolate mousse
维也纳巧克力蛋糕sacher cake
瑞士蛋卷Swiss roll
热情果木司passion fruit mousse
核桃布朗尼walnut brownies
咖啡剧本蛋糕Opera cake
炸苹果饼apple fritter
苹果蛋奶酥apple souffle
奶酪蛋奶酥cheese souffle
果冻fruit jelly
菠萝冻pineapple jelly
巧克力冻chocolate jelly
奶油可可冻chocolate jelly
松饼puff pastry
可可松饼cocoa puff
奶油松饼cream puff
烩蜜桃stewed peach
烩杏stewed apricot
烩梨stewed pear
烩蜜枣stewed dates
冰淇淋可可少司Ice cream with cocoa sauce
冰淇淋三得Ice cream sundae
冰淇淋Ice cream
多色冰淇淋rainbow ice cream
有冰屑的冰淇淋sandy ice cream
菠萝杯pineapple cup
菠萝布丁pineapple pudding
菠萝冻pineapple jelly
雪糕Ice cream
波萝雪糕pineapple ice cream
巧克力奶油冻chocolate mousse
甜品及其他西点cakes,cookies and other desserts
意大利奶酪千层饼cheese lasagna
意大利奶酪馄饨cheese ravioli in herbed cream sauce
奶油泡芙cream puff
奶油角cream horn
草莓酥条strawberry napoleon
水果脆皮酥盒puff pastry with fruits
杏仁多纳圈almond donuts
牛奶巧克力多纳圈milk chocolate donuts
鲜水果配沙巴洋fruit with sabayon
蛋挞egg tart;egg custard nosh
鲜果蛋挞fresh fruit tart
法式苹果塔French apple tart
椰丝塔coconut tart
手指饼lady finger
巧克力薄脆饼chocolate wafer
蝴蝶酥butterfly cookies
小姜饼small ginger bread
薄饼griddle cake
德比饼干derby biscuit
核桃黄油饼walnut butter sponge
巧克力曲奇chocolate cookies
千层酥puff pastry
苹果酪apple cream
苹果卷apple strudel
苹果冻糕apple fool
酪饼cheese cake
香蕉船banana split
蛋白糖egg white and sugar
炸薯条french fries