
第80章 菜名(24)

鱼香鲜贝fish flavored scallops;saute scallops with garlic sauce

清炖蚌肉stewed mussel

甜麦豆炒带子北极贝stir fried sweet bean and scallops

XO酱爆花枝片fried cuttlefish with XO soy sauce

红烧干贝stewed scallops with brown sauce

炸花枝丸[台]fried cuttlefish balls

金银蛤鲍gold &; silver clam abalone slices

金银螺片fried sliced whelk with chicken giblets

炒荫豉蚵[台]stir fried oyster with fermented bean

豆豉生蚝stir fried oysters with black beans

酥炸生蚝fried oysters

味菜炒蚬肉fresh clam salted with preserved vegetables

火腿螺片sliced whelk with ham

豉椒蚬肉oyster with fermented soya beans and chili

豉椒爆活蚝quick fried oyster with fermented soya beans and chili

炒芙蓉干贝fried scallop with egg white puffs

菜远凤肝活带子sliced conch with chicken liver and vegetable

清蒸蒜蓉带子steamed scallop with garlic sauce;steamed scallop with mashed garlie

油爆带子fried scallop

西兰花炒带子fried fresh shellfish with broccoli

碧绿炒带子fried scallop with green vegetable

姜葱生蚝fried oyster with ginger,green onion

面拖牡蛎oyster fritters

白灼螺片fried sliced whelk

白灼螺盏fried sliced whelk in a bowl

鸡肉螺片fried sliced whelk with chicken

凤肝螺片fried sliced whelk with chicken liver;sauteed sliced whelu and chicken liver

蚝油干贝fried/sauteed dried scallops with oyster sauce

油爆干贝quick stir fried fried/dried scallops with choice vegetables

白汁干贝stewed dried scallops with white sauce

鸡冻干贝fricassee scallop in chicken mousse

什烩干贝sautéed scallops with aturnipssorted vegetables

鱼香干贝yu shiang scallops (sautéed with spicye garlic sauce)

辣子干贝sautéed scallops in hot pepper sauce;sautéed scallops with spicy sauce

白玉蒸扇贝steamed scallops with tofu

北极贝刺身scallops sashimi

碧绿干烧澳带dry braised australian scallops with vegetables

碧绿鲜带子braised scallops with green vegetables

宫保鲜带子kung pao scallops

果汁银元带子fried scallops in fresh fruit juice;sauteed scallops with fruif juice

姜葱酥炸生蚝deep fried oyster with ginger and scallion

酱野菌炒胭脂蚌sautéed mussel and mushrooms with soy bean paste;sautéed mussel and mushrooms in special sauce

翡翠金银玉带sautéed scallops and vegetables

千层酥烤鲜贝baked scallop mille feuille

生灼鲜贝[粤]fresh scallop slices with oyster sauce

扇贝(蒜蓉蒸,XO炒,豉汁蒸)scallop in shell (steamed with garlic,sautéed with XO sauce or steamed with black bean sauce)

碳烧元贝BBQ scallops

铁板酱爆带子grilled scallops with chili and vegetables served on a sizzling Iron plate

夏果澳带sautéed Australian scallops with macadamia nuts

鲜果玉带虾fried scallops and shrimps with fresh fruit

珍宝炒带子sautéed scallops with cashew nuts

XO酱莲藕炒海螺片sautéed sliced sea whelks and lotus root in XO sauce

东古一品螺sautéed whelks in soy sauce

麻辣响螺片sautéed sliced sea whelks in hot and spicye sauce

白灼响螺片braised sea whelk meat

油爆螺球fried whelk ball

瓤调羹螺steamed whelk meat with chicken and pork in spoon

黄橙香螺orange and fried whelk

炒大蛤sautéed fresh clams

黑椒鲜贝sautéed scallops in black pepper sauce

酥炸蛤卷deep fried crispy mussel rolls

殷豉炒蛤sautéed mussels with taiwanese black bean sauce

殷豉炒蚵sautéed oysters with Taiwan black bean sauce

米酱炒蛏肉sautéed fresh clam with seasoning sauce

玉带干贝酥fried scallops with crispy taro strips and vegetables

酥炸蚵卷crispy oyster rolls

桂花炒干贝sautéed scallops with osmanthus sauce

炒山瓜仔stir fried baby clams

清炒鲍贝sautéed abalone and scallops

芙蓉三鲜three delicacies with egg white

聚三鲜fried three flavour

双味软炸鲜贝soft fried scallops in two tastes

炸烹鲜贝quick fried scallops with sauce

清炒贝仁sautéed scallops

宫保带子kung pao scallops

XO酱鲜椒煎带子fried scallops with XO and pepper sauce

韭王象拔蚌sautéed geoduck clam with chive

双菇鲜带子sautéed fresh scallop with mushrooms

豉汁炒大蚬sautéed clam with black bean sauce

葱姜生蚝sautéed oyster with ginger and scallion

豉汁炒青口sautéed mussel with black bean sauce

豉汁豆腐蒸带子steamed scallop and tofu in black bean sauce

清蒸蒜蓉带子steamed scallop with minced garlic

XO酱爆北极裙quick fried fringe shell with XO sauce

⑥其他水产类(Other Dishes of Aquatic Products)

豉汁炒蚬fried clams with black bean sauce

海味什锦煲stew assorted seafood in clay pot

五柳海鲜simmered seafood with sauce(shredded hot pepper,pickled ginger,piculed baby cucumbers,winter bamboo shoots and winter mushrooms)

枸杞蒸裙边steamed turtle rim in chinese wolfberry soup

黄扒山瑞裙braised tuttle with sauce

黑椒炒甲鱼sautéed turtle with black pepper sauce

红烧甲鱼braised turtle in brown sauce

淮山圆肉炖甲鱼braised turtle with yam and longan

秘制国药中华鳖boiled turtle with Chinese herb

甲鱼烧肉braised turtle with diced pork

清炖甲鱼汤stewed turtle in broth;stewed turtle in clear stock

清蒸甲鱼steamed turtle

松茸裙边braised turtle rim with mushrooms/matsutave

土茯苓炖山龟stewed turtle with sarsaparilla

洋参炖甲鱼stewed turtle with American ginseng

鸽蛋烧裙边braised turtle rim with pigeon eggs

清焖甲鱼braised turtle in clear soup

凤足炖甲鱼steamed turtle with chicken′s feet in soup

花椒甲鱼turtle with Sichuan pepper corns

泡椒甲鱼turtle with pickled peppers

甲鱼裙边煨肥猪肉stewed calipash and calipee/turtle rim with fat pork

火腿甲鱼汤turtle soup with ham

白灵菇扣裙边braised mushrooms with turtle rim in bowl

白汁烧裙边stewed turtle rim in cream sauce

冰糖甲鱼steamed turtle in rock sugar soup

虫草蒸裙边steamed turtle rim with aweto

海竹笙煮双鲜boiled seafood with bamboo fungus

海鲜粉丝煲assorted seafood with Vermicelli in casserole

红花汁烩海鲜braised seafood in saffron sauce

夏果海鲜sautéed seafood with macadamia nuts

雪笋花枝片sautéed sliced cuttlefish with bamboo shoots

XO酱花枝片sautéed sliced cuttlefish in XO sauce

白灼花枝片boiled sliced cuttlefish

椒盐吊片deep fried cuttlefish with spiced salt

奇异果炒花枝sautéed sliced cuttlefish with kiwi fruit

韭王花枝片sautéed cuttlefish with chive

西柠百花鲜鱿fried squid with minced shrimps in lemon sauce

铁板酱鲜鱿pan fried fresh squid with soy sauce served on a sizzling Iron plate

时菜鲜鱿fried vegetable and squid

豉椒鲜鱿fried squid with black bean sauce

四川炒鲜鱿fried squid Sichuan style

酥炸鲜鱿fried squid

虾酱蒸鲜鱿steamed squid with shrimp paste

香烧鱿鱼braised squid

荷包鱿鱼stewed sleeve fish

菜肝土鱿chicken liver with squid and vegtable

炒土鱿片fried sliced squid

酸菜鱿鱼pickled vegetable and squid

炒鱿鱼卷fried squid roll

西兰花炒鱿鱼stir fried squid and broccoli

XO酱爆鱿鱼stir fried squid in XO sauce