
第80章 Ashamed Soldier

Peter joined the army when he was eighteen,and for several months he was taught how to be a good soldier。He did quite well in everything except shooting。One day he and his friends were practicing their shooting,and all of them were doing quite well except Peter。After he had shot at the target nine times and had not hit it once,the officer who was trying to teach the young soldiers to shoot said,“You’re quite hopeless,Peter!Don’t waste your last bullet,too!Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with it!”

Peter felt ashamed。He went behind the wall,and a few seconds later the officer and the other young soldiers heard the sound of a shot。

“Heavens!”the officer said。“Has that silly man really shot himself?”

He ran behind the wall anxiously,but Peter was all right。“I’m sorry,sir”he said,“but I missed again。”







例:Her husband felt ashamed at her behaviour。她丈夫为她的行为感到害臊。


例:He shoots well。他枪打得好。


例:He gave way to hopeless grief as soon as he heard the bad message。一听到那个坏消息,他立即陷入绝望的境地。



裁判员referee裁判长range officer手枪pistol shooting

气手枪air pistol运动手枪sports pistol手枪速射rapidfire pistol shooting

自选手枪free pistol步枪rifle气步枪air rifle

移动靶running target飞碟claytarget飞碟多向trap

飞碟双向skeet飞碟双多向double trap飞碟双双向double skeet

速射rapid fire慢射slow fire三种姿势three positions

立姿standing position跪姿kneeling position卧姿prone position


打中靶心make the bull’seye脱靶miss装弹load

瞄准aim三点成一线sight alignment扣扳机trigger


手枪总称handgun小口径手枪smallbore pistol猎枪shotgun


靶target飞碟靶clay target固定靶fixed target

靶环ring靶心bull’seye内10环inner ring

射击场range抛靶器trap射击衣shooting coat

be ashamed for,be ashamed of

这一对形容词短语的涵义并不相同。to be ashamed for的意思是“为……(一般指外在的人或事物,如他人)而感到羞耻”;to be ashamed of的意思是“由于……(一般指内在的人或事物,如自己)而感到羞耻”。如:

I am ashamed for you。我为你感到羞耻。

I am ashamed of you。我以你为耻。

I felt ashamed for the callousness of the government in tackling land speculation。对于政府处理地产投机态度麻木不仁,我引以为耻。

Are you ashamed of doing such a thing?你做这样的事感到羞耻吗?


He is considerate of other people’s feelings。他能体谅别人的感情。

He is considerate to old people。他对老年人很体贴。

I am anxious for a change。我渴望改变一下环境。

I am anxious about his health。我为他的健康而担忧。

She did it of herself。她自愿去做此事。

She did it by herself。她独立去做此事。

They are suffering for their country。他们正在为国受苦。

They are suffering from the war。他们由于战争而在受难。