
第2章 Flying Your Dream放飞梦想(2)




As a teenager, with normal parents, a dream like this was considered ridicules ridicule n.嘲笑, 奚落. Not only did friends and family not support my dream, they told me to get serious. But the KonTiki dream turned me on. I wanted to know more about the ocean world and how it could be challenged. I went to the public library looking for more books and found plenty.

During the next few years, I joined the seas scouts scout n.侦察, 搜索, 侦察员, 侦察机, read boating magazines and nautical nautical adj.船员的, 船舶的, 海上的, 航海的, 海军的 books, and went to boat shows.

To help understand seamanship seamanship n.船舶驾驶术, 船艺 techniques, I made model charts, buoys buoy n.(湖, 河等中的)浮标, 浮筒, 救生圈, and boats. With models, comprehension was easy.




Unknowingly unknowingly adv.不知不觉地, I was learning the art of learning howtolearn—Selfeducation. A technique that would follow me the rest of my life, a technique that would bring me success and make my wildest dreams come true.

At the age of nineteen, during the Korean War, I was in the Marine Corps and in Japan. On my first day of duty an officer told me, “You are a machinist machinist n.机械师, 机械工, 机械安装修理工 and will be in charge of the machine shop.”As he gave me the shop keys, he pointed to a trailer.

In the Marine Corps, everything is on wheels. When I opened the doors, I had my first look ever at a machine shop. In the shop was one short instruction manualtitled How to Run a Lathe. When a job came in, I followed the manuals instructions. I was surprised at my ability to complete assigned tasks.




The Marine Corps experience launched my machinist career. It also made me realize that learning howtolearn is a powerful tool. For example, every manmade object around us is the result of someones dream and failures. Consider the light bulb bulb n.鳞茎, 球形物. Thomas Edison believed something could burn whitehot and not burn up burn up v.烧起来, 烧掉, 发怒.

A wild unrealistic dream? Everyone knows everything burns up in a short time. A thousand failures later, Thomas Edison burned a steel wire white hot that never burned up. Continuous white heat creates light.

Opportunity is attracted to people with a dream. They are the first to be hired, first to be offered opportunity, and first to be promoted. Bigger the dream the faster doors open.

People without a dream are last to be hired, last to be promoted, and first to be laidoff in a force reduction. For nondreamers, doors remain closed.





“WHY?” People with a dream act differently than nondreamers.

Dreamers develop an attitude that radiates radiate vt.放射, 辐射, 传播, 广播 energy; they have a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives. Radiant energy radiant energy 辐射能 is an attitude that bosses like and to which they offer opportunity. This is how the impossible becomes possible.


