
第3章 To My Darling Wife致我的爱妻(2)

Im looking at our wedding photo now, the one on our dressing table, next to your jewellery box. I think of how young and innocent we were back then. I remember being on the church steps grinning like a Cheshire cat, when you said how dashing and handsome I looked in my uniform. The photo is old and fadedfaded adj.已褪色的, 已凋谢的 now, but when I look at it, I only see the bright vibrant colors of our youth. I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you, with its fine delicate lace and pretty pearls. If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquetbouquet n.花束 as you held it so proudly for everyone to see.

I remember being so over enjoyed, when a year later, you gently held my hand to your waist and whispered in my ear that we were going to be a family.



I know both our children love you dearlydearly adv.深深地, 昂贵 ; they are outside the door now, waiting.

Do you remember how I panicked like a mad man when Jonathon was born? I can still picture you laughing and smiling at me now, as I clumsilyclumsily adv.笨拙地, 粗陋地, 不漂亮地 held him for the very first time in my arms.

I watched as your laughter faded into tears, as I stared at him and cried my own tears of joy.

Sarah and Tom arrived this morning with little Tessie.Can you remember how we both hugged each other tightly when we saw our tiny granddaughter for the first time?





I cant believe she will be eight next month. I am trying not to cry, my love, as I tell you how beautiful she looks today in her pretty dress and red shinyshiny adj.擦亮的, 有光泽的, 晴朗的, 闪耀的, 发亮的 shoes, she reminds me so much of you that first day we met. She has her hair cut short now, just like yours was all those years ago. When I met her at the door her smile wrapped around me like a warm glove, just like yours used to do, my darling.

I know you are tired, my dear, and I must let you go. But I love you so much and it hurts to do so.

As we grew old together, I would tease you that you had not changed since we first met. But it is true, my darling. I do not see the wrinkleswrinkle n.皱纹v.使皱 and grey hair that other people see.




When I look at you now, I only see your sweet tender lips and youthful sparkling eyes as we sat and had out first picnicpicnic n.野餐vi.(去)野餐 next to that small stream, and chased each other around that big old oak tree. I remember wishing those first few days together would last forever. Do you remember how exciting and wonderful those days were?

I must go now, my darling. Our children are waiting outside. They want to say goodbye to you.

I wipe the tears away from my eyes and bend my frail old legs down to the floor, so that I can kneel beside you. I lean close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender lips for the very last time.

Sleep peacefully my dear.

I am sad that you had to leave me, but please dont worry. I am content, knowing I will be with you soon. I am too old and too empty now to live much longer without you.






I know it wont be long before we meet again in that small cafe in Hanover Square.

Goodbye, my darling wife.


