
第12章 Hans in Luck(2)


Hans went on, and thought to himself how everything was going just as he wished, if he did meet with any vexation it was immediately set right. Presently there joined him a lad who was carrying a fine white goose under his arm. They said good morning to each other, and Hans began to tell of his good luck, and how he had always made such good bargains. The boy told him that he was taking the goose to a christeningfeast. “Just lift her,” added he, “and laid hold of her by the wings, how heavy she is—she has been fattened up for the last eight weeks. Whosoever has a bit of her when she is roasted will have to wipewipe v.擦, 揩, 擦去 the fat from both sides of his mouth.” “Yes,”said Hans, as he weighed her in one hand, “she is a good weight, but my pig is no bad one.”Meanwhile the lad looked suspiciouslysuspiciously adv.猜疑着, 怀疑着 from one side to the other, and shook his head. “Look here,”he said at length, “it may not be all right with your pig. In the village through which I passed, the mayor himself had just had one stolen out of its stysty n.猪栏, 猪圈. I fear—I fear that you have got hold of it there. They have sent out some people and it would be a bad business if they caught you with the pig, at the very least, you would be shut up in the dark hole.”The good Hans was terrified. “Goodness,”he said, “help me out of this fix, you know more about this place than I do, take my pig and leave me your goose.”“I shall risk something at that game,” answered the ladlad n.少年, 青年男子, <口>伙计,家伙呢称, “but I will not be the cause of your getting into trouble.” So he took the cord in his hand, and drove away the pig quickly along a bypath. The good Hans, free from care, went homewardshomewards adv 向家而行 with the goose under his arm. “When I think over it properly,”said he to himself, “I have even gained by the exchange. First there is the good roast meat, then the quantity of fat which will drip from it, and which will give me dripping for my bread for a quarter of a year, and lastly the beautiful white feathers. I will have my pillow stuffedstuff vt.塞满, 填满, 填充 with them, and then indeed I shall go to sleep without rocking. How glad my mother will be.”


As he was going through the last village, there stood a scissorsgrinder with his barrow, as his wheel whirredwhir vt.使呼呼响 he sang, “I sharpen scissorsscissors n.剪刀 and quickly grind, my coat blows out in the wind behind.”
