
第3章 Cinderella(3)

Then the bird threw down a much more beautiful dress than on the precedingpreceding adj.在先的;在前的 day. And when cinderella appeared at the wedding in this dress, every one was astonishedastonish vt.使惊讶 at her beauty. The kings son had waited until she came, and instantlyinstantly adv.立即地, 即刻地 took her by the hand and danced with no one but her. When others came and invited her, he said, “This is my partner.”When evening came she wished to leave, and the kings son followed her and wanted to see into which house she went. But she sprang away from him, and into the garden behind the house. There in stood a beautiful tall tree on which hung the most magnificent pears. She clamberedclamber vi.爬上, 攀登 so nimblynimbly adv.敏捷地, 机敏地 between the branches like a squirrelsquirrel n.松鼠 that the kings son did not know where she was gone. He waited until her father came, and said to him, “The unknown maiden has escaped from me, and I believe she has climbed up the peartree.” The father thought, “Can it be cinderella.” And had an axe brought and cut the tree down, but no one was on it. And when they got into the kitchen, cinderella lay there among the ashes, as usual, for she had jumped down on the other side of the tree, had taken the beautiful dress to the bird on the little hazeltree, and put on her grey gown.


On the third day, when the parents and sisters had gone away, cinderella went once more to her mothers grave and said to the little tree—“Shiver and quiver, my little tree, silver and gold throw down over me.”




And now the bird threw down to her a dress which was more splendid and magnificentmagnificent adj.华丽的, 高尚的, 宏伟的 than any she had yet had, and the slippers were golden. And when she went to the festival in the dress, no one knew how to speak for astonishment. The kings son danced with her only, and if any one invited her to dance, he said, “This is my partner.”


When evening came, cinderella wished to leave, and the kings son was anxiousanxious adj.担忧的, 渴望的 to go with her, but she escaped from him so quickly that he could not follow her. The kings son, however, had employed a ruseruse n.诡计, and had caused the whole staircasestaircase n.楼梯 to be smearedsmear v.涂上,涂污 with pitchpitch n.沥青, and there, when she ran down, had the maidens left slipper remained stuck. The kings son picked it up, and it was small and daintydainty adj.精致的, and all golden. Next morning, he went with it to the father, and said to him, “No one shall be my wife but she whose foot this golden slipper fits.” Then were the two sisters glad, for they had pretty feet. The eldest went with the shoe into her room and wanted to try it on, and her mother stood by. But she could not get her big toetoe n.趾, 脚趾 into it, and the shoe was too small for her. Then her mother gave her a knife and said, “Cut the toe off, when you are queen you will have no more need to go on foot.”The maiden cut the toe off, forced the foot into the shoe, swallowedswallow vt.咽, 淹没, 吞没, 取消, 忍受, 轻信, 压制, 耗尽 the pain, and went out to the kings son. Then he took her on his his horse as his bride and rode away with her.They were obliged, however, to pass the grave, and there, on the hazeltree, sat the two pigeons and cried—“Turn and peeppeep vi.窥视, 偷看, turn and peep, theres blood within the shoe, the shoe it is too small for her, the true bride waits for you.”