
第21章 风采(4)

Headaches: Multifold. Apple is still a pipsqueak to the Wintel Goliath. With less than 10 percent of the computer market, Apple needs to lure more software makers into producing programs for the Mac. The company has cut about as much as it can. Now it has a tougher job: Make sales grow. And what,s the followup? Jobs probably also hasn,t been spending as much as he should on research and development. Finally, where is his successor? Pixar, a collegial place, can run without him - but what about Apple? Not a good place for a boss who refuses to remove the “interim” prefix from his CEO title.

最头痛的事:多方面的。苹果公司仍然只是Wintel Goliath方面(意指微机的体系结构由MSWindows操作系统和的Intel的CPU组成)的小人物。 其电脑市场的占有率还不到10%。苹果公司需要吸引更多的软件制造商投入到多存取计算机的电脑编程方面的生产中。该公司已经在这方面做了许多力所能及的工作。现在,他们又面临着一个新的难题:使销售业绩更上一个台阶以及接下来应该开发什么样的新产品?在研究和开发新产品上,乔伯斯很可能还没有投入更多的精力。最后一个问题是,乔伯斯的继任者应该是谁呢?PIXAR公司是一个大学云集的地方,它的操作和运营可以没有乔伯斯——可是苹果公司呢?

Management Style: At Apple, Jobs is a mercurial micromanager - some say nanomanager. Virtually every decision goes by him. “At any time, 10,000 employees are wondering, What would Steve say?, not What is the right thing to do?” said a former Apple exec. At Pixar, realizing that he isn,t a film visionary, he leaves the experts to their knitting.

管理风格:在苹果公司,乔伯斯是一位机智善变的微软经理——也有人说他是非线性方面的经理。事实上,每一项决策都是由他来制定的。 “在任何时候,一万名员工都会在考虑:史蒂文会怎么看呢?而不是:正确的做法应该是怎么样的?”苹果公司的前任首席执行官如此评价说。而在PIXAR公司,他则会放手让他的专家们自己潜心研究。

Habits: Known for casual dress, he cruises the office shoeless and in a sport shirt - but don,t mistake him for laidback. Snacks on granola doused with apple juice.


How he got the job: The Apple board begged him to return.


True story: Former Newton palmtop chief Sandy Benett told his underlings that the subsidiary would be folded back into Apple - before Jobs had made an official announcement. After the news leaked, Jobs fired Benett.


Financial reward: His Apple rewards are minimal - a salary of one dollar a year so that his family is eligible for the health plan. But his 69 percent share of Pixar is worth about 1.3 billion.


Dell: How I Sold Computers


What I saw was a great opportunity to provide computing technology in a more efficient way. That was the core idea of what became dell computer Corporation, and that,s one we were stuck over ever since.


I started the business with a simple question: how can we make the process of buying a computer better? The answer was :sell the computer directly to the end customers. Eliminate the reseller,s markup and pass the savings on to the customers.


It hadn,t occurred to me that others hadn,t figured it out. I thought it was pretty obvious. I am sure if I had taken the time to ask, plenty of people would have told me that my idea wouldn,t work - I have heard that a lot in the fifteen years since starting the business.


Sometimes it,s better not to ask or to listenwhen people tell you something can,t be done. I didn,t ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it.


On January 2, 1984, I went back to Austin earlier than I would have to attend classes, and I did all the things you need to do to set up a business. I registered the company with the State of Texas as “PC,s Limited”。 I placed ads in the classified section in our local newspaper.


Through my previous contract with customers and the small ad I placed in the paper, I was already getting a lot of business. I was selling between 50,000 to 80,000 upgraded PCs, upgrade kits, and addon computer components to people in Austin area. Not long after starting the classes I was able to move from a stuffy room that I shared with a roommate to a condominium with high ceilings and two bedrooms. (I didn,t, however, tell my parents for a few months that I moved.)


In early May, about a week before I took my final exam to complete my freshman year, I incorporated the company as “Dell Computer Corporation”, doing business as “PC,s Limited”。 we moved the business from my condo to a 1000squarefoot office space in a small business center in North Austin. I hired a few people to take orders over telephone and a few more to fulfill them. Manufacturing consisted of three guys with screwdivers sitting at sixfoot tables upgrading machines. Business continued to grow, and I began to think of what the potential could be if I could devote myself to the venture, fulltime.


Where I came from, not going to the college is not an acceptable option. Convincing my parents to allow me to leave school would have been impossible. So I just went ahead and did it, whatever the consequences. I finished my freshman year, and left.


After a while, my parents forgave me. And a litter bit after that, I forgave them, too.


People asked me now, “were you scared?” Sure.


But it turned out, the timing for PC,s Limited couldn,t have been better.
