A Bill Gates Story
A guy was in a bar in the Seattle airport. He was waiting for an important business client that he wanted to impress. He looked around the room and to his great surprise, he saw Bill Gates sitting by the window. He went over to him and said, “Excuse me, mister Gates, I,m a huge fan of yours. I wonder if you could do me a favor?”
Bill Gates said, “Maybe. What do you want me to do?”
The man replied, “In a few minutes, a very important client of mine will arrive. When she arrives, could you walk over to us and say hello to me? My name is George. If she thinks that you and I are good friends she,ll be really impressed.”
Bill Gates said, “Well, OK. When she arrives I,ll walk over to you guys and say hello.”
Five minutes later the client arrived and sat down beside the man. They chatted for a few minutes. Then, Bill Gates walked over, tapped the man on the shoulder, and said in a loud voice, “Hey, George. It,s good to see you. How are you doing?”
The man looked at Bill Gates and in an angry voice said, “Listen, Gates, can,t you see I,m busy? I,m talking to an important customer. Get out of here.”
Language Chip
I find numerous reasons to support development of language chips to be planted into human brains. It saves a lot of money and a great deal of efforts in language learning. It enhances communication across the cultures. It is perhaps the only medicine for our educational system diagnosed as only second to cancer. The cost of language chip development is nothing compared with its potential market value.
A language chip will save millions and millions of RMB for the education system suffering from shortage of funding. Do you know that the Chinese government spent about 203 billion yuan for education in 1998?And that in the same year, 330 million people, or about 27%of our population, are engaged in education? I suppose students will have to learn English from about the 3rd grade or the 5th,while some from the very beginning in the kindergarten. And all teachers will have to pass some English tests for promotion.So, it is safe to say about 25%of the Chinese population has to learn a foreign language. We save about 330million yuan, if we just save one yuan per person per year, and 3.3 billion yuan if 10 yuan per person, and 33 billion if 100 yuan per person, and 330 billion yuan if 1,000 per person.Remember, some language courses cost you several thousands a month! Many people on jobs other than teaching will also have to learn a foreign language. We save much more. So we could support another education system of the same size when this money is saved.