
第7章 七言律诗(1)



昔人已乘黄鹤去, 此地空余黄鹤楼。

黄鹤一去不复返, 白云千载空悠悠。

晴川历历汉阳树, 芳草萋萋鹦鹉洲。

日暮乡关何处是? 烟波江上使人愁。

Cui Hao

The Yellow Crane Terrace

Where long ago a yellow crane bore a sage to heaven,

Nothing is left now but the Yellow Crane Terrace.

The yellow crane never revisited earth,

And white clouds are flying without him for ever.

...Every tree in Hanyang becomes clear in the water,

And Parrot Island is a nest of sweet grasses;

But I look toward home, and twilight grows dark

With a mist of grief on the river waves.



迢峣太华俯咸京, 天外三峰削不成。

武帝祠前云欲散, 仙人掌上雨初晴。

河山北枕秦关险, 驿树西连汉畤平。

借问路傍名利客, 无如此处学长生。

Cui Hao

Passing through Huayin

Lords of the capital, sharp, unearthly,

The Great Flowers three points pierce through heaven.

Clouds are parting above the Temple of the Warring Emperor,

Rain dries on the mountain, on the Giants Palm.

Ranges and rivers are the strength of this western gate,

Whence roads and trails lead downward into China.

...O pilgrim of fame, O seeker of profit,

Why not remain here and lengthen your days?



燕台一去客心惊, 箫鼓喧喧汉将营。

万里寒光生积雪, 三边曙色动危旌。

沙场烽火侵胡月, 海畔云山拥蓟城。

少小虽非投笔吏, 论功还欲请长缨。

Zu Yong

Looking Toward an Inner Gate

of the Great Wall

My heart sank when I headed north from Yan Country

To the camps of China echoing sith bugle and drum.

...In an endless cold light of massive snow,

Tall flags on three borders rise up like a dawn.

Wartorches invade the barbarian moonlight,

Mountainclouds like chairmen bear the Great Wall from the sea.

...Though no youthful clerk meant to be a great general,

I throw aside my writingbrush-

Like the student who tossed off cap for a lariat,

I challenge what may come.



朝闻游子唱骊歌, 昨夜微霜初度河。

鸿雁不堪愁里听, 云山况是客中过。

关城树色催寒近, 御苑砧声向晚多。

莫见长安行乐处, 空令岁月易蹉跎。

Li Qi

A Farewell to Wei Wan

The travellers partingsong sounds in the dawn.

Last night a first frost came over the river;

And the crying of the wildgeese grieves my sad heart

Bounded by a gloom of cloudy mountains....

Here in the Gate City, day will flush cold

And washingflails quicken by the gardens at twilight-

How long shall the capital content you,

Where the months and the years so vainly go by?



凤凰台上凤凰游, 凤去台空江自流。



总为浮云能蔽日, 长安不见使人愁。

Li Bai

On Climbing in Nanjing to the Terrace

of Phoenixes

Phoenixes that played here once, so that the place was named for them,

Have abandoned it now to this desolate river;

The paths of Wu Palace are crooked with weeds;

The garments of Qin are ancient dust.

...Like this green horizon halving the Three Peaks,

Like this Island of White Egrets dividing the river,

A cloud has arisen between the Light of Heaven and me,

To hide his city from my melancholy heart.



鸡鸣紫陌曙光寒, 莺啭皇州春色阑。

金阙晓钟开万户, 玉阶仙仗拥千官。

花迎剑佩星初落, 柳拂旌旗露未乾。

独有凤凰池上客, 阳春一曲和皆难。

Cen Can

An Early Audience at the Palace of Light

Harmonizing Secretary Jia Zhis Poem

Cockcrow, the Purple Road cold in the dawn;

Linnet songs, court roofs tinted with April;

At the Golden Gate morning bell, countless doors open,

And up the jade steps float a thousand officials

With flowery scabbards.... Stars have gone down;

Willows are brushing the dew from the flags-

And, alone on the Lake of the Phoenix, a guest

Is chanting too well The Song of Bright Spring.



绛帻鸡人送晓筹, 尚衣方进翠云裘。

九天阊阖开宫殿, 万国衣冠拜冕旒。

日色才临仙掌动, 香烟欲傍衮龙浮。

朝罢须裁五色诏, 佩声归向凤池头。

Wang Wei

An Early Audience At The Palace Of Light

Harmonizing Secretary Jia Zhi Poem

The redcapped CockMan has just announced morning;

The Keeper of the Robes brings JadeCloud Furs;

Heavens nine doors reveal the palace and its courtyards;

And the coats of many countries bow to the Pearl Crown.

Sunshine has entered the giants carven palms;

Incense wreathes the Dragon Robe:

The audience adjourns-and the fivecoloured edict

Sets girdlebeads clinking toward the Lake of the Phoenix.



积雨空林烟火迟, 蒸藜炊黍饷东灾。

漠漠水田飞白鹭, 阴阴夏木啭黄鹂。

山中习静观朝槿, 松下清斋折露葵。

野老与人争席罢, 海鸥何事更相疑?

Wang Wei

In My Lodge at Wang Chuan

After a Long Rain

The woods have stored the rain, and slow comes the smoke

As rice is cooked on faggots and carried to the fields;

Over the quiet marshland flies a white egret,

And mango-birds are singing in the full summer trees....

I have learned to watch in peace the mountain morningglories,

To eat split dewy sunflowerseeds under a bough of pine,

To yield the post of honour to any boor at all....

Why should I frighten sea gulls, even with a thought?



洞门高阁霭余辉, 桃李阴阴柳絮飞。

禁里疏钟官舍晚, 省中啼鸟吏人稀。

晨摇玉佩趋金殿, 夕奉天书拜琐闱。

强欲从君无那老, 将因卧病解朝衣。

Wang Wei

Harmonizing a Poem by PalaceAttendant Guo

High beyond the thick wall a tower shines with sunset

Where peach and plum are blooming and the willowcotton flies.

You have heard in your office the courtbell of twilight;

Birds find perches, officials head for home.

Your morningjade will tinkle as you thread the golden palace;

You will bring the word of Heaven from the closing gates at night.

And I should serve there with you; but being full of years,

I have taken off official robes and am resting from my troubles.



相祠堂何处寻? 锦官城外柏森森,

映阶碧草自春色, 隔叶黄鹂空好音。 三顾频烦天下计, 两朝开济老臣心。 出师未捷身先死, 长使英雄泪满襟。

Du Fu

The Temple of the Premier of Shu

Where is the temple of the famous Premier?-

In a deep pine grove near the City of Silk,

With the green grass of spring colouring the steps,

And birds chirping happily under the leaves.

...The third summons weighted him with affairs of state

And to two generations he gave his true heart,

But before he could conquer, he was dead;

And heroes have wept on their coats ever since.



舍南舍北皆春水, 但见群鸥日日来。

花径不曾缘客扫, 蓬门今始为君开。

盘飧市远无兼味, 樽酒家贫只旧醅。

肯与邻翁相对饮, 隔篱呼取尽余杯。

Du Fu

A Hearty Welcome to VicePrefect Cui

North of me, south of me, spring is in flood,

Day after day I have seen only gulls....

My path is full of petals- I have swept it for no others.

My thatch gate has been closed-but opens now for you.

Its a long way to the market, I can offer you little-

Yet here in my cottage there is old wine for our cups.

Shall we summon my elderly neighbour to join us,

Call him through the fence, and pour the jar dry?



西山白雪三城戍, 南浦清江万里桥。

海内风尘诸弟隔, 天涯涕泪一身遥。

唯将迟暮供多病, 未有涓埃答圣朝。

跨马出郊时极目, 不堪人事日萧条。

Du Fu

A View of the Wilderness

Snow is white on the westward mountains and on three fortified towns,And waters in this southern lake flash on a long bridge. But wind and dust from sea to sea bar me from my brothers;

And I cannot help crying, I am so far away.