Harley ran on deck. The crew was scrambling into lifeboats. There was no room for him! He had no choice but to jump into the black water and start to swim.
Suddenly, in the darkness, his fingers hit something hard. It was a life raft! Climbing aboard, Harley called out again and again. But no one answered.
Soon his first feeling of panic left him. In one way he was lucky. The raft had enough food and water for 15 men for several weeks.
At daybreak, Harley saw some little boxes floating by. He fished one out of the sea. Chewing gum! Quickly, he hauled in 20 small cartons.
In the afternoon, Harley spotted another raft. He tied it to his own. Later, a third raft bobbed up. And then a mattress floated by him in the wreckage. Harley could hardly believe his eyes. Here was the start of a bedroom!
He tugged the mattress aboard. Using boxes, he made himself a bed. With a blanket, he made a shade from the hot sun.
The next morning, he ate like a king. He had tomato juice, codfish and biscuits. Supper was a feastfeast feast of beans and canned tunatuna fish. And afterwards, there was chewing gumchewing gun !
On the third day, Harley made a net. He used bandagesbandagen from the first-aid kit. With this net, he caught several fish. Then he built a little house from food cases. From flags, he made a sail.
The sea was always peaceful. Every day was like a vacation! When the sun got hot,the carefree sailor took a swim. After that, he enjoyed a sunbath as he chewed more gum, of course.
Each evening, Harley scratched a mark on the mast. This mark showed that another day had passed. Then, before going to bed, he went for a walk on the two rafts floating behind.
Harley A. Olson was delighted with his Kingdom on the Sea!
The pleasure trip lasted 28 days. On the morning of the 29th day, Harley spotted a dark dot far off. The dot grew bigger. It was a ship!
Harley leaped and shouted. He tore the “sail” from the mast and waved wildly. Could they see him? yes, the ship was heading his way!
Soon the ship was near the rafts. But harley had to paddle with his hands to get close enough to the big boat. Sailors tossed over a rope ladder. Grabbing the end of it, Harley scrambled up the “stairway of string”.
As he tumbled onto the deck, a sailor stooped to help him. But Harley jumped to his feet.
“I’m all right.” he said. “I want to report to the captain. Where‘s his cabin?”
Once there, Harley met the captain-and trouble! Harley told his story. But the captain would not believe him!
“You look too healthy.” said the captain. “You couldn’t have been on a raft for four weeks!”
Harley stuck to his story. But it was no use. The captain would not believe him.
“You‘re a spy.” he snapped. “The plan is clear. You were left adrift to be saved by one of our ships. That way you could get into the United States!”
Harley did get into the United States-at Key West, Florida. FBI men were there to meet him, They checked his fingerprints. They checked his story. They checked everything!
Finally, they let him go. Harley Olson was an American citizen, all right. Just a gum-chewing sailor from Portland, Oregon!
Happy Ending for All
Harley learned later about the rest of the crew. They were all safe. Other ships had enjoyed being shipwrecked not so much as Harley A. Olson!
“火! 火!船在下沉!”
无线电报务员哈利·奥尔森被一声爆炸扔到床下后,他拼命工作, 试图发出一个求救信号,但是断电了。
拂晓时,哈利又看见有一些小盒子从旁边漂过去。他从海里捞起一个, 是口香糖!他很快又从海里拉上来20小盒的口香糖。
下午, 哈利又发现了一只救生筏。他把它和自己那只救生筏拴在一起。后来,又突然冒出一只救生筏来。 接着,漂流物中有一张床垫从他身旁漂过。哈利简直不相信自己的眼睛,现在可以开始搭个卧室啦!
“你是一个 间谍,”他厉声说道,“你们的计划很清楚。他们让你在海上漂泊,等我们的一艘船将你救起。这样一来你就可以进入美国了!”
The Last Days of Vincent van Gogh
by Robert Wernick