At what time of day was Adam born?
谜底:A little before Eve.
For which birthday do candles burn longest on a cake?
提示按照正常的思维,burn longest的意思是“燃烧的时间最长”,答案burn shorter的意思是“越烧越短”,这个谜语是利用句子的歧义来制造幽默的效果。
谜底:None,because candles always burn shorter.
From what number can you take away half and have nothing left?
提示这个谜语的关键在于take away half(拿走一半),如果8减去一半是4,而8这个数字本身截去一半当然是0,也就是have nothing left(什么也没有)了。
谜底:The number 8,because if the top half is removed,you have 0.
Have you heard of the joke about the knife?
谜底:It’s a killer.
Have you heard of the joke about the roof?
提示屋顶(roof)在你的头顶上(over your head),而over your head的一个比喻意义是“迫在眉睫地威胁着你”,这个谜语就有了耐人寻味的地方。
谜底:It’s over your head.
How can a hat talk?
谜底:Add the letter “C”and you make it chat.
How can a girl have been eleven on her last birthday,and be thirteen next birthday?
谜底:If she’s turned twelve today.
How can bookkeeping be taught in a lesson of four words?
提示注意bookkeeping的通常意义是“记账”,如果理解为“保存你的书”(keep your books),那么不往外借书(Never lend your books)自然也就不用操心有人借书不还了。
谜底:Never lend your books.
How can you always find a liar out?
提示短语动词find a liar out的意思是“发现撒谎的人(认清他的真面目)”,也可以按照字面意义理解为“发现撒谎的人出去了”。如果他不在家,就到他的办公室找吧。
谜底:Go to his office when you know he isn’t in.
How can you avoid being driven mad?
提示being driven mad的意思是“被逼得发疯”,但动词drive的意思是“驾车”,既然驾车要发疯,那么要不发疯就最好是走路(walk)。
How can you be sure to start a fire with two sticks?
提示要点火(start a fire)的话,用一根拨火棍(stick)就足够了,若要用第二根“棍”的话,肯定是火柴棍(match)。
谜底:Make sure one of them is a match.
How can you build a sandcastle in five minutes?
提示用砂子堆个城堡(build a sandcastle)也得化不少时间,要想五分钟完成的话,就得用“快速沙子”(quick sand)才行,只不过“快速砂子”还没有发明出来,英语的quicksand是“流沙”。
谜底:Use quicksand.
How can you buy eggs and be certain there are no chickens inside them?
提示英语词egg既可以泛指各种“蛋”,又可以特指“鸡蛋”。新鲜的鸡蛋里没有小鸡(chicken),只有蛋黄(yolk)和蛋白(white)。如果担心鸡蛋不新鲜的话,那么就买鸭蛋(duck eggs)吧。
谜底:Buy duck eggs.
How can you cut down the size of your bill?
提示英语词bill的一个解释是“账单”,另一个解释是“钞票”。如果cut down the size of your bill是要减少支出的话,那么最好是少花钱;如果是要使钞票变小的话,那么把钞票的四周剪去一圈(trim the edges)是最简单的办法,只不过谁会去这样做呢?
谜底:Trim the edges.
How can you double your money?
提示使你的钱增加一倍(double your money)的办法多得很,往镜子里看又多一份钱是个馊主意,可是谁能说这个主意不对呢?
谜底:Look at it in a mirror.
How can you get close to something containing a lot of money?
提示银行是“装很多钱的地方”(something containing a lot of money),靠在银行的墙上算是够近的了。另外,bank(银行)还有个同形异义词bank(河岸),所以,靠在河岸上也行。
谜底:Lean against a bank.
How can you get milk from a cat?
提示to get milk from a cow或to milk a cow是“挤牛奶”的意思,但是想要从猫那里得到牛奶(get milk from a cat),就只有把牛奶盆拿走(remove its saucer),让它少吃一点。
谜底:Remove its saucer.
How can you keep a dog from going mad in August?
谜底:Shoot him in July.
How can you keep a rooster from crowing on Sunday morning?
谜底:By killing him on Saturday night.
How can you knock over a full glass without spilling any water?
谜底:Knock over a full glass of milk.
How can you light a candle with a box of candles and no matches?
谜底:Remove a candle and the box becomes a candle lighter.
How can you live to be one hundred years old?
谜底:Drink a glass of milk every morning for twelve hundred months.
How can you make a slow horse fast?
提示英语词fast作为形容词时作“快的”解,作为动词时作“斋戒,不吃东西”解。把一匹跑得慢的马绑起来(tie him up)当然无法使它跑得快,但是也可以使它无法吃东西。
谜底:Tie him up.
How can you make money out of a monkey?
谜底:Lose the letter K.
How can you make tomatoes ripen?
谜底:Tell jokes about them until they turn red.
How can you most irritate a farmer?
谜底:By treading on his corn.
How can you spell“mousetrap”in three letters?
How can you stop a rhinoceros from charging?
提示英语词charge有两个意思:“攻击”和“收费”。不让犀牛(rhinoceros)攻击的办法没有说,不让它收费就拿走它的信用卡(credit cards)。
谜底:Take away its credit cards.
How can you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?
提示不让人梦游(walk in his sleep)的简单办法是不让他睡着,这不是治病的办法,但是他醒着就确实不会梦游。
谜底:Keep him awake.
How can you tell a miser’s house?
谜底:By the teabags on the clothesline.
How could you survive if locked in a room with only a calendar?
谜底:Eat the dates.
How can you throw a watch out of the top window and then run downstairs and catch it?
提示把手表从顶楼的窗户里扔出来,然后跑下楼来接住这只手表,这样的事情恐怕谁也做不到。手表慢十五分钟(the watch is fifteen minutes slow)就能做到,这不过是戏言而已。
谜底:When the watch is fifteen minutes slow.
How did the blotting paper manufacturer find his job?
提示吸水纸(blotting paper)的功能是吸水(absorbing),吸水纸制造商当然认为自己的行业是有吸引力的(absorbing)。这里的absorbing一词一语双关。
How did the bully make a big impression on other children?
提示“给人留下深刻的印象”的英语表达方式是leave a deep impression on。公牛踩在孩子身上(walk all over them),确实会在他们身上留下大块的痕迹(make a big impression)。
谜底:He walked all over them.
How did the cook know it was a cold day?
谜底:Because the potatoes wore their jackets.
How did the fish become a good singer?
谜底:By practising his scales.
How did the gangster get caught?
谜底:He bought a new pair of shoes and they pinched him.
How did the hangman get married?
提示tie the knot的字面意义是“系上绳扣”;作为一个成语,它的意义是“结婚”。这个谜语的巧妙之处就在这里。
谜底:He tied the knot.
How did the lazy boy like school?
提示谜面“How did the lazy boy like school?”是个歧义句,既可以理解为“如何喜欢学校”,也可以理解为“希望学校怎么样”。不愿上学的懒惰孩子盼望学校关门(closed),谜底尽在情理之中。
How did the man manage to own a newspaper?
提示正常理解own a newspaper的意思是“买下一家报社”,如果理解为“占有一张报纸”当然也可以。买报纸该上卖报的人(newsagent)那里去买,newsagency是“通讯社”的意思。
谜底:He bought it at the newsagency.
How did the piano get out of jail?