
第29章 一个联邦制的共和国(2)








A Federal Republic

1.What a Constitution Is.We remember that a government is chosen by the people to do the public business.But when some men are chosen to make laws,for instance,and others to carry those laws out,if they are left wholly at liberty they may make and execute very bad laws.We do not think that a very safe kind of government.Indeed,if we should permit it we might soon be no better off than Russia,whose tsar makes whatever laws he pleases.So,in order to prevent this sort of thing from happening,the people of the United States made first of all one great set of laws which everybody must obey.This set of laws tells how the government shall be formed,what the legislature shall be,and the administration,and the courts.Then it goes on to say what things each branch of government may do,and what sort of things they must not do.That makes us safe.If the legislature tries to make a law which it is forbidden to make,the court says that their act is no law at all,and then nobody is bound to obey it.

2.This set of laws which provides for the form of government,and for what it may do and for what it must not do,is called the Constitution .

3.The people of no country can be really free,or safe from a selfishand cruel government,without a good constitution.We are very proud①of the Constitution of the United States.

It was made soon after the

revolutionary war was ended,and has served to protect our liberty andto insure us a good government now for more than a century.

4.Many in One.Before the revolutionary war the thirteen colonies each had a government of its own.To be sure,these governments were not independent,but had to obey the government of Great Britain,in①The Constitution will be found in the Appendix.


In this building met the congress of the thirteen colonies which adopted the Declaration of Independence,July 4,1776.

London.But,of course,with the war this dependence ceased,a n d t h e co l o n i e s g o v e r n e d themselves.However,they had to act together in the war,and in order to do that they each of them sent representatives to what they called a congress ,at Philadelphia.Congress was a sort of common government for all the colonies,so far as the war was concerned.It was this congress which made the Declaration of Independence,Jul y 4,1776.After that the co l o ni es c a l l e d t h e m s e lv e s states ;their union they called the United Stales of America .

5.After the war was over the states found it necessary to make a better government for the new republic.So they made①the Constitution

of which

we have spoken,But meanwhile each of the states kept its own separate constitution and government.Thus we see at once that the United States has one government for the whole country and another for each one of the fortyfive states.Thus our republic is “many in one”many states forming one republic.This sort of government“many in one”is called a federation.So the United States is a federation.We also call it the Union.

①The convention which framed the Constitution met at Philadelphia in May,1787,and finished its labors in the following September.Washington was president of the convention,and among its members were many of the wisest and best men in the young republic.Mr.Gladstone,the great English statesman,has said:“The American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.”

6.The government for the whole countryfor the Unionis called the federal government,or,which is the same thing,the national government.

7.The place where the laws are made is called the capital .The capital of the United States is the city of Washingtonnamed for the hero of the revolutionary war.There the national legislaturealso called “congress,”like that of the revolutionary colonies meets every year and makes laws for the republic.Besides that,each state has its own capital,where the state legislature meets and makes laws for the state.

8.The capital was in New York for a short time,but longer in Philadelphia,before the city of Washington was built.The first time the government met at the present capital was in 1801,and there it has been ever since.It is a beautiful city,with magnificent public buildings,wide streets,parks,and numerous statues and monuments of the great men of the republic.Washington is not in a state,but lies in a territory given to the United States by the state of Maryland,and called the District of Columbia.So the national capital belongs to the nation.