
第34章 美国的地方自治(2)


American Home Rule

1.We have seen that there is one government for the republic,the principal officers of which are at the city of Washington,and also that each of the fortyfive states has a government of its own.

2.But this is not all.The people in the states are scattered over a wide area,living in cities and in villages and in solitary farmhouses.“Now,the purpose of government is to make and enforce laws for all to obey,and to manage such business as is for the common interest.

3.What Local SelfGovernment Is.An example of such business is the building,of a bridge.If a stream is too deep to cross easily in the water,it is plain that a bridge ought to be built.But as this would be for the benefit of anybody who might want to cross,it would seldom pay any one man to build it.It ought to be built by the government,for the use of all the people.But,after all,such a bridge would not be used very much except by the people who might live rather near it.In a great state there would be many thousands of people who would know or care nothing about it.And so we think that the people most likely to use the bridge are the ones who ought to decide whether they will have one or not,and who ought to pay for it.

4.In other words,we think that each neighborhood ought to be left free to manage its own affairs.This is what we call local selfgovernment,or home rule .

5.Counties.In order to provide for this local freedom,in the first place every state is divided into a number of rather large neighborhoods,usually called counties.In the state of Louisiana they are called parishes.Each county has a name.The number of counties differs in different states.In New York there are sixty,in Illinois one hundred two.

6.Each county has a government of its own,chosen by the people.This county government may make laws,only they must not interfere with the laws of the nation or state.It is the duty of the countygovernment,too,to see that the state laws as well as the county laws are obeyed in the county.And they manage such county affairs as are intrusted to them.There is always a county jail,and usually a county house or farm for paupers.

7.The County Jail.The jail is a strong building,with heavy locks for the doors and with iron gratings over the windows.When any one is arrested on the charge of having committed some crime he is sent to the jail for safekeeping until the court meets for his trial.If,on the trial,the court decides that the prisoner is guilty of the crime charged,he may be sentenced to a term in prison .This is quite another thing than the jail.The prison,or penitentiary,belongs to the state,and the prisoners are usually kept busy with some useful work.In the jail the prisoners are not made to work.

8.People who commit some very small offense against the law,too small to warrant a sentence to state’s prison,are sometimes sent to jail for a short timea few days,or weeks,perhaps.

9.The jailer often lives in a house adjoining the jail.He has to have assistants to help him take care of the building and of the prisoners,and keep watch that the latter do not escape.The jailer and his assistants are employed by the county.

10.It is a great disgrace to be sent to jail.But,unfortunately,there are always some people who will not obey the laws,and of course they have to be punished.Thieves and counterfeiters and incendiaries must be sent to jail and prison,or nobody‘s property would be safe.A good citizen is always very careful not to interfere with the rights of others.He is honest with his neighbors’property,and never does any harm either to person or property if he can help it.If all the people were good citizens no jails would be needed.

11.The Rothschilds.Nearly everybody has heard of the family of Rothschilds ,the rich bankers of Europe.Their wealth is enormousso great that they make loans only to governments and only in very large sums.