
第10章 宁夏旅游景区常用公示语英文翻译(2)

优惠价格:Discount Price

闭馆整修:Closed for Renovation


旺季开放时间:Opening Hours in High Seasons

淡季开放时间:Opening Hours in Low Seasons

留言簿:Complaints and Suggestions

雨具租用处:Umbrella Rental

轮椅租用处:Wheelchair Rental

咨询服务中心:Information Centre


多功能厅:Multi function Room

会议室:Meeting Room/Conference Room


餐饮服务部:Food &;Beverages



售票员:Ticket Seller

检票员:Ticket Collector




服务中心:Service Centre

志愿者服务中心:Volunteers Service Centre


副馆长:Deputy Curator

馆长助理:Curator Assistant

总工程师:Chief Engineer


处长:Department Chief

科长:Section Chief

原有文物建筑:Original Cultural Relics and Buildings

复建文物建筑:Restored:Cultural:Relics:and Buildings

内部停车场:Staff Parking

计时停车:Metered Parking

加油站:Gasoline Station/Gas Station

头班车:The First Bus

末班车:The Last Bus

市区:Urban Area/City Proper

开水间:Boiled Room

民警提示:Police Reminder

行李寄存:Luggage Storage

存包处:Baggage Storage/Checkroom

消防安全设施:Fire Safety Measures

售完:Sold Out

验票处:Ticket Check

退票处:Ticket Refund

售当日票:Today's Tickets

单程票:One way Ticket

往返票:Round Trip Ticket

全价票:Full Price Ticket

半价票:Half Price Ticket

成人票:General Admission

儿童票:Tickets for Children

残疾人专用:Disabled Only

到达时间:Arrival Time

登机信息查询:Boarding Information

普通席:Economy Class

贵宾席:First Class

硬席候车室:Second Class Lounge/Lounge for Hard Seats

二楼候车室:Second Floor Waiting Room

行李提取处:Luggage Claim

车站周边示意图:Map of Surrounding Area


凭当日当次车票进站候车:Admission:by Current Tickets


宣载通知书:Cargo Declaration

变更卸货港附加费:Surcharge for Change of Destination


行李安检通道:Luggage Check

操作步骤:Instructions for Operation

提示灯亮显示门未关好:Light flashes when the door is not completely closed

公共交通公司:Public Transportation Company

儿童购票标尺:Height Mark for Child Fares

老年人专座:Reserved for Seniors

老年人优先上车:Senior Citizens First

老弱病残专座:Courtesy Seats

高于1米的儿童需每人一票:Children taller than 1 meter must pay full fare.

待消毒:To Be Sterilized

消毒中:In Sterilization


斑马线:Pedestrian Crossing

公路巡警:High Patrol

地下停车场收费处:Basement Parking Fare Collection

汽车修理:Auto Service

洗车:Car Wash

祝您一路平安:Wish you a good journey.

保持车距:Keep Distance

自行车租赁:Bicycle Rental

临时外出:Will Be Back Soon

动物世界:Animal World

现役军人、70周岁以上老人、离休干部、残疾人凭相关有效证件入场:Valid ID admission for servicemen,seniors over 70,retired veteran cadres and the disabled

网上预订票,今日影院票已售完:Tickets for today are sold out.Make Reservation online.

成人年卡(18周岁以上成人):Annual Card(for Adult Aged 18 and Above)

购票须知:Booking Information

游览车发车时间:Tour Bus Schedule

每班间隔20分钟请依次排队上车:Buses run

every 20 minutes. Please queue up.

风景名胜管理区:Scenic Area Administration


濒危珍禽:Endangered Rare Birds

革命圣地:Sacred:Place:of:the (Chinese )Revolution

异域风情:Exotic Customs

独特的民族风情:Unique Customs of the Ethnic Group

被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产:It was put on UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage list.

首页:Home Page

国际旅行社:International Travel Service

讲解时间表:Guided Tours

风景名胜区导游图:Tourist Map

旅游地图:Tourist Maps特产:Specialties

兑换残币专柜:Counter for Exchanging Damaged Notes

填单台:Fill in Your Form Here

盲人读物:Braille Reading Materials

自助终端:Self service Terminal

对私业务:Personal Banking

对公业务:Corporate Banking

金融通道自助服务:Financial Self service

请刷卡进门:Swipe Card to Enter

如需帮助,请与工作人员联系:Contact Our Staff for Assistance

出门请按钮:Press the Button for Exit

本柜兑换零钞和残破币:Counter for Exchanging Damaged Notes and Small Change

邮件封面书写规范:How to address your mail?

留学快递:Express Mail Service for Overseas Students

账单缴费:Bill Payment


客户服务热线:Customer Hotline

话费查询:Bill Inquiry

长途区号查询:Long distance Call Code Inquiry

营业厅灭火流程图:Fire Escape Map

国内电报:Domestic Telegram

开取信件时间:Mail Collection Time


不可回收物:Non Recyclable


机票预订及确认:Airline Ticket Reservation and Confirmation

票在销售,售完为止:Tickets Available

票务中心:Ticket Office

物价计量信得过单位:An Enterprise You Can Trust

钢铁工业:Iron and Steel Industry

中小型企业:Small and Mediumsized Enterprises

名烟名酒店:Famous Brand Tobacco &;Liquor Store

婚姻介绍所:Dating Agency

专业发型设计:Professional Hairdo Design

成人用品店:Adult Store

科技画廊:Science &;Technology Gallery

有限公司:Company Limited/Co,Ltd.

指定营业店:Authorized Dealer

美发美容按摩保健中心:Beauty Shop/Beauty Center(Parlor)

婚纱摄影:Bridal Studio

洗衣皂:Laundry Soap

洗手液:Liquid Soap

厨卫:Kitchen &;Bathroom Facilities

整体厨房:Kitchen Unit

家具护理用品:Furniture Maintenance

洁厕用品:Toilet Cleanser


盒装纸:Tissue/Tissue Paper

男士休闲服:Men's Casual Wear

男士服饰用品:Men's Accessories

化妆品和香水:Cosmetics and Perfume

男士西服西裤:Men's Suits

男正装:Men's Suits

非卖品:Not for Sale

一次性用品:Disposable Goods

散干果:Bulk Dry Fruits

干果区:Dry Fruits

干货:Dry Goods

旅游箱包:Traveling Bags and Cases

沐浴产品:Bathroom Accessories

装饰灯具:Decor Lighting

不锈钢水槽:Stainless Steel Sinks

红蓝宝石:Ruby and Sapphire

唐装:Traditional Chinese Garments

家电:Household Electric Appliances


开袋即食:Ready to Serve

原价:Original Price


新品:New Arrivals

法国时装:French Fashion

皮革行李箱:Leather Suitcase


中药柜:Traditional Chinese Medicine

潮流街:Fashion Street

业务受理台:Reception Desk

顾客接待室:Customer Service

顾客服务中心:Service Center

维修中心:Repair Center

快速通道:Express Passage

水处理机房:Water Treatment Control Room

今年更多新货,价格更加优惠:More New Arrivals and Lower Prices This Year

所有商品不讲价:No Bargaining

购物后请保存发票:Keep Your Receipt


买一送一:Buy One,Get One Free/Two for

送货服务:Goods Delivery


拳头产品:Knockout Product

特别推荐:Today's Special

当日可取:Same Day Service


经营范围:Scope of Business

小心轻放:Handle with Care

客满:No Vacancy

八折优惠:20% Off

酒水另付:Beverage Not Included

商场内无卫生间:No Toilet Inside

干洗服务:当日可取:Dry Cleaning (Same Day Pickup)

快修相机:Camera Repair


缺货点:(Goods)Unloading Area

服装修改:Clothing Alterations


欢迎多提宝贵意见:Your:Comments:Are Welcome