宾至如归:A Home Away from Home
不收小费:No Tips
顾客第一,信誉第一:Customer First,Credit Foremost
送货上门:Home Delivery/Door to Door Service
教师休息室:Teachers' Lounge
对外联络与发展处:Office of Foreign Liaison &;Development
信息办公室:Information Office
文史馆:Research Institute of History and Culture
音乐数字图书馆:Digital Music Library
话剧艺术中心:Drama Centre
世界文学名著:Masterpieces of World Literature
全国文化信息资源共享工程:National Project for Sharing Cultural Information Resources
高新技术开发区:High Tech Development Zone
国际经济新秩序:A New International Economic Order
提高生活质量,迈向美好未来:Better Life,Brighter Future
安全环境齐手创,各行各业乐安康:Work for a Safer Environment.
全面开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面:Open up an all round new prospect for socialist modernization.
发展是硬道理:Development is of overriding importance.
×××是我家,清洁靠大家:Let's keep our hometown clean and tidy.
全国卫生城市:National Hygienic City
热烈欢迎来自五大洲的朋友:Welcome!Friends from All Over the World!
中国历史名城:A Famous Historic City of China
全心全力全为您:Your Needs,Our Priority
让我们分享爱:Let's share happiness.
创一流服务,迎四海嘉宾:Best Service for All Our Guests
弘扬体育精神,促进国际往来:Promote Sports man ship and International Exchanges
尊重知识,尊重人才:Respect Knowledge and Talents
您的安全:我们的天职:Your safety is our No.1 concern.
植树造林:Plant Trees to Afforest the Land
优生优育:Healthy Birth and Sound Care
造福子孙:Benefit Future Generations
温馨提示:Gentle Reminder
请您进超市前存放包:Leave Your Bags in the Locker
高高兴兴上班去,平平安安回家来:Drive Safely
我们只有一个地球,人人都要爱护它:Let's protect the earth,our only home.
做名城市民,讲社会公德:Live Up to the Fame of the City
警惕烟头引发火灾:Caution!Cigarette butts can cause fire!
一时的快乐,永恒的伤痛 ——请勿吸烟:No Smoking
请给老年人让座:Offer Your Seat to the Elderly(Senior)
吸烟请去吸烟区:Smoke in Smoking Area Only
为了您和家人的健康,请不要吸烟:No Smoking
非游览区,请勿进入:No Admittance/No Visitors
二十四小时营业:24 Hour Service
妇女、儿童优先:Women and Children First
请爱护洞内景观:Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery
原路返回:Please Return by the Way You Came
请沿此路上山:Climbing Route
请勿触摸:Hands Off
请勿倒置:Topside Up
请用现金:Cash Only
发扬社会主义的人道主义精神:Carry Out Socialist Humanitarianism
安全血液,拯救生命,无偿献血,立即行动:Donate Blood,Save Life.
一滴血,一片心,一份爱:Donate Blood to Save Lives
送出一份爱心,收获明媚阳光:Love and Be Loved
地球是我家,绿化靠大家:Keep Our Earth Green
足下留情,小草长青:Keep off the Grass
芳草青青,踏之何忍:Keep off the Grass
小草有生命,脚下请留情:Keep off the Grass
小草微微笑,请您旁边绕:Keep off the Grass
爱护绿地,请勿入内:Keep off the Grass
青青的草,怕您的脚:Keep off the Grass
依依芳草,敬请爱怜:Keep off the Grass
请多关爱花草生命:Keep off the Grass
绿色象征希望与生命,请您脚下留情:Keep off the Grass
绿色 ——人类的生命:Keep off the Grass
小草也有生命,请爱护草坪:Keep off the Grass
人间知音难觅,校园草坪难培 ——请爱护草坪Keep off the Grass
少一个脚印,多一份绿色:Keep off the Grass
不要为了你的美丽伤了我:No Picking
购物车仅限超市购物使用,请不要将购物车推出商场停车场以外:Shopping cart is for in store use only.
遗失物品店方概不负责:Not Responsible for Articles Lost,Stolen,or Left behind
非机动车辆禁止入内:Motor Vehicles Only
需要帮助,请按按钮:Press for Assistance
小心滑倒:Caution Wet Floor/Caution Slippery /Watch Your Step
当心脚下:Watch Your Step
小心跌滑:Watch Your Step
小心碰头:Mind Your Head
访客禁停:No Parking for Visitors
禁止通行:No Through Traffic
请走旋转门:Please Use Revolving Door
请走侧门:Please Use Side Door
严禁倚靠:No Leaning
本柜台售出物品概不退换:Non refundable
内部施工暂停开放:Under Construction.Temporarily Closed.
请勿投食:Don't Feed the Animals
1.2米以下儿童免票:Free for Children Under 1.2 Meters
前方弯路慢行:Bend Ahead.Slow Down!
园内禁止烟花爆竹:Fireworks Prohibited
请您穿好救生衣:Please Wear Life Vest
请您不要坐在护栏上边:Don't Sit on the Guardrail
应急疏散图:Evacuation Chart
禁止开窗:Don't Open Windows
请勿将头或手臂伸出车外:Keep Your Head or Arms inside Carriage
严禁携带宠物:No Pets Allowed
景区内禁止狩猎:No Hunting
雷雨天禁止拨打手机:Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms
严禁中途下车:No Drop Off between Stops
勿靠两侧(电动扶梯):Keep Clear of Edges
遇到火灾,勿用电梯:Do not use elevator in case of fire.
儿童乘扶梯需有家人陪同:Children Must Be Accompanied on Escalator.
带包的顾客请到正门存包处存包:Leave Your Bags at the Front Desk
请将童车留存此处:Leave Your Stroller Here
非本影城出售的食品请勿带入观众厅:No Outside Food or Drink
不准携带食物到图书馆内:No Food Allowed
请勿外带食品:No Outside Food
请在此交款:Pay Here由此上楼:Upstairs
乘客专用,请勿载人:Passengers Only
请勿将身体伸出扶梯外:No Leaning Out of Escalator
请勿让您的孩子在扶梯上玩耍:Don't Let Your Children Play on Escalator.
小心试穿,避免口红蹭在衣服上:Take care not to leave lipstick stain on clothes
小心站稳:请勿奔跑:Hold the Handrail
请勿打扰:Do Not Disturb
请您带好随身物品:Do Not Leave Your Be longings behind
请排队购票:Queue Up for Ticket
注意归还日期,按时还书:Return Books in Time
期刊不可外借:Periodicals Are for Library Use Only
超期图书每册每天罚款0.1元:Library charges¥0.1 per day for each overdue book.
男士止步:Ladies Only
闲人免进:Staff Only
严禁携带易燃易爆物品:No Inflammables or Explosives
请勿攀爬:No Climbing
请勿翻越:No Climbing Over
小心落物:Danger!Falling Objects!
危险,请勿靠近:Danger!Keep Away!
严禁疲劳驾驶:No Fatigue Driving
防止挤手:Watch Your Hands
此水域无安全保障,请勿下水游泳,以免发生意外!:Danger!No Swimming Here
警戒线勿超越:Police Line.Do Not Cross.
送客止步:Passengers Only
航班结束本柜台关闭:Boarding Ended;Gate Closed.
旅客通道请勿滞留:Keep Walkway Clear
请留意您乘坐航班的登机时间,以免误机:Pay Attention to Your Boarding Time
请无关人员不要在此逗留:Keep Clear of the Passage
请听从安保人员指挥,配合安保人员工作:Follow Instructions of the Security Personnel.
请主动出示证件:Please Present Your Certificates.
严禁携带危险品上车:Hazardous Articles Prohibited on Board
请让工作人员验票出口:Check out
严禁向窗外抛扔物品:Do Not Throw Trash out of Window
夜间滞留旅客请在此休息:Overnight Passengers May Stay Here.
有事请致电:Ring for Help
停车请勿使用(厕所):Do Not Use Toilet when Train Stops
请检查行包:Bags Checked Here
不要踏在黄线上:Stand behind the Yellow Line
请在安全线内候车:Stay behind the Yellow Line
危险!请勿擅动!:Hands Off
地铁内严禁携带易燃易爆物品:No In flammables or Explosives in Metro
当心夹手:Watch Your Hands
为了您个人的安全,本站安装有闭路电子监视系统:Surveillance camera is installed at this station.
抓牢扶手:Hold Handrail
为了您和他人的安全,小心驾驶!:Drive Safely
请勿忘记您的行李物品:Do not leave your be longings behind.