
第10章 To Be a Super Financer (1)


Over the past few decades we have seen big jumps in economic growth in countries such as the U.S. and Japan,but only small increases in reported happiness. Surveys of lottery winners and people in the Forbes 100 list have found they are not much happier than the average person.

So you can be happier,no matter what your income level.

Stop comparing. When people make relative—income comparisons,they frequently look at those who have more—and get upset when their income compares unfavorably,according to a study by Andrew Oswald of England’s Warwick University. Even if our incomes are rising,we tend to become less happy if the incomes of others are rising even more. Never measure your financial achievements against anything except your own goals.

Be grateful. Professor Sonia Lyubomirsky of University of California Riverside had subjects write down five things they were thankful for. “Gratitude seems to be incompatible with some negative emotions. It’s hard to feel envious or greedy or bitter when you’re grateful,”Lyubomirsky explains. One group wrote on a weekly basis;the other group three times a week;and a control group didn’t write at all. Only the group that did the exercise once a week experienced a significant rise in gratitude.

Don’t make money a top priority. People who say money is one of their most important goals score lower for mental health,according to a variety of studies conducted over the past decade by Dr. Tim Kasser,associate psychology professor at Knox College,and Dr. Richard Ryan,psychology professor at the University of Rochester. Money-seekers suffer a greater risk of depression;have more anxiety and lower self-esteem;experience more physical,behavioral and relationship problems;and score lower on indicators testing for vitality (feeling alive and vigorous) and self-actualization. The problems were not caused by being affluent but by making money a primary goal in life.

Be conscious of how you talk about money. The way we explain things to ourselves has a big impact on our happiness,says author David Myers,professor at Michigan’s Hope College. Instead of saying,“I can’t afford it,” say,“I choose to spend my money on other things.”Think of yourself as an empowered person making wise choices based on your values and priorities-instead of a self-pitying victim who views life in terms of what she can’t have.

Focus on essential psychological needs. Money scored last on the list of psychological needs that create happiness and fulfillment,according to a study by Kennon Sheldon,psychologist at the University of Missouri-Columbia. What are the four most essential needs? Autonomy—feeling your actions are self-chosen and self-endorsed;competence—feeling effective in what you do;self-esteem;and a sense of closeness with others. The University of Chicago’s National Opinion Research Center found that people with five or more close friends are 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as “very happy” than respondents with fewer friends.

Help others. Professor Lyubomirsky has done studies in which students were asked to practice altruism,doing five acts of kindness a week for six weeks. The participants reported a significant rise in happiness. Kind acts,she says,not only make you feel better about yourself,but foster a sense of interdependence and cooperation.










survey [sE:5vei] v. 测量,勘测

incompatible [7inkEm5pAtEbl] adj. 不相容的;矛盾的

associate [E5sEuFieit] v. 使联合,使结合

empower [im5pauE] v.赋予权利

altruism [5AltruizEm] n. 利他主义;利他行为



福布斯首先是个集团,其次是个人,全名是史提夫·福布斯,他是福布斯集团的总裁 。最后是福布斯先生经营的世界上最著名的财经杂志《福布斯》(Forbes)。《福布斯》杂志是美国最早的大型商业杂志,它前瞻性强,有不妥协的精神,观点鲜明,反传统,不拘一格、简明扼要。著名的福布斯富豪榜是全球最具权威的财富榜。

理财(Financial management)



Never measure your financial achievements against anything except your own goals.

The problems were not caused by being affluent but by making money a primary goal in life.

Kind acts,she says,not only make you feel better about yourself,but foster a sense of interdependence,cooperation.

第一章 Pawnbroking-A Rising Industry In

Financial Crisis


When economic times are tough it is generally thought that the pawnbroking industry booms-after all,gold and cheap loans are tempting for credit crunchers.