The University of Bristol is a research university located in Bristol, United Kingdom. It received its Royal Charter in 1909, and its predecessor institution, University College, Bristol, had been in existence since 1876. The University College was the first such institution in the country to admit women on the same basis as men. However, women were forbidden to take examinations in medicine until 1906. After the founding of the University College in 1876, Government support began in 1889. After mergers with the Bristol Medical School in 1893 and the Merchant Venturers" Technical College in 1909, this funding allowed the opening of a new Medical School and an Engineering School—two subjects that remain among the University"s greatest strengths. Located in Bristol, England, the University of Bristol is one of the proclaimed red brick universities, a group of six British universities established as civic science or engineering colleges before World War I. It consistently ranks at the top of lists published by the "League Tables of British Universities." Bristol"s drop-out rate is also lower than the benchmark set by HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) of no more than 3.1%. Bristol city is famous for its music and film industries. The Clifton Suspension Bridge is the most famous landmark in Bristol and is used as the city"s icon.
System: The University is made up of a number of schools and de-partments organized into six faculties: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Engi-neering, Faculty of Medical and Veterinary Sciences, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. Top-ranked and popular courses include: Computer Science; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Civil Engineering; Biological Sciences; Mathematics; Arts and Humanities, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences and Life Sciences; Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Environmental Scienc-es; Physics and Chemistry. Bristol is particularly strong in the field of social sciences, particularly in Economics, Finance and Management.
Wills Memorial Building: The Wills Memorial Building (or Wills Memorial Tower) is a neo- Gothic building built as a memorial to Henry Overton Wills III starting in 1913 and eventually completing in 1925. It is a landmark building of the University of Bristol that currently houses the School of Law and the Department of Earth Sciences, as well as the Law and Earth Sciences libraries. Graduation ceremonies are also held in its Great Hall. It is the third highest structure in Bristol, standing high at 68m, which is encircled by brightly-coloured heraldic shields. Its ar-chitect George Oatley claimed that his inspiration came in a vivid dream in which he saw a tower, on the hill, with shields all around it.
predecessor ["pri:d.ses.] .n.. 前任,前辈
in existence 现有的;现存的
drop-out ["dr.p.a.t] .n.. 中途退学的人
benchmark ["bent.mɑ:k] n. 基准;参照;标准检查程序
innovative [..n.ve.t.v] .adj.. 革新的;创新的
icon [.aik.n] n. 图标;偶像
neo-Gothic [,ni:.u.ɡ.θik] a. 新哥特式的
memorial [m..m.ri.l, -.mor] n. 纪念碑,纪念馆;纪念物
encircle [.n"s.:kl] vt. 包围;围绕
heraldic [he"r.ld.k] a. 纹章的
shield [.i:ld] n. 盾;防护物
architect ["ɑ:k.tekt] n. 建筑师
inspiration [,.nsp."re...n] n. 灵感;鼓舞
布里斯托大学分六个学部:人文艺术学院、科学院、工程学院、 医学与牙医学院、 社会科学与法律学院、医学科学与兽医科学学院。布里斯托大学除久负盛名的医学专业外,另一大特色是其工程专业,英国一级赛车的制造就得益于该校在空间工程设计学科设置的远见。深受海外学生青睐的法律、经济学、会计学、艺术及社会科学类课程都具有世界一流的水准。由于布里斯托是独立电影制作与电视公司及BBC的西南中心,每年攻读媒体课程的申请者趋之若骛。
古城布里斯托,这个充满活力的英格兰海滨城市坐落于两河之间,自中世纪起就是一个重要的商业港口,而今则是主要的航天、高科技工业及金融贸易中心。从英国最著名地方剧场之一老维克剧院(Old Vic Theater)到摇滚音乐厅以及上流的俱乐部,布里斯托城内不仅娱乐场所应有尽有,同时又是购物天堂。
The deepest truths are the simplest and the most common.
All men have a reason, but not all men can give a reason.