
第68章 University of Toulouse: Ivory tower of Palladian c



The formation of the University of Toulouse was imposed on Count Raymond VII as a part of the Treaty of Paris in 1229 ending the crusade against the Albigensians. In 1969, the University of Toulouse split into three separate universities and numerous specialised institutions of higher education. Present-day University of Toulouse was founded on 27 March 2007. At that time it was decided to divide the University of Toulouse into three: The law faculty became Université Toulouse I, occupying all the old university buildings; the humanities faculty became Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail, named after its new location; and the departments of science and medicine became Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III). In 1969, a fourth university in Toulouse was created, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, a school of engineering. The wide portfolio of courses on offer can be divided into four main areas: Arts, Humanities and Languages; Law, Economics and Management; Human and social sciences; Science, Technology, Health and Engineering sciences.

System: The University of Tou-louse is a Research and Higher Educa-tion Cluster consisting of : University of Toulouse I: Capitole – UT1 (Law, Economics, Management); University of Toulouse II: Le Mirail – UT2 (Arts, Literature, Humanities and Languag-es); University of Toulouse III: Paul Sabatier – UT3 (Science, Technologies and Health); Institut National Polytech-nique de Toulouse – INPT (Engineer-ing); etc.

University of Toulouse I: Capitole is located in the heart of the city of Tou-louse, in southwestern France. It was the second university created in France in 1229 after the Sorbonne was founded (around the year 1200). The university originally included four faculties: Theology, Canon Law, Civil Law and Arts (Grammar). The medical school was created in 1257. The University was closed in 1793 as the French Revolution abolished royal universities.

University of Toulouse II: Le Mirail is one of 3 universities in Tou-louse, France. The campus in Le Mirail opened its doors one section at a time starting in 1971, and completed the transfer by 1973.

University of Toulouse III: Paul Sabatier is a French university, in the Academy of Toulouse. Today’s Toulouse III was named for Paul Sabatier, winner of the 1912 Nobel prize in chemistry, when it was es-tablished on the foundations of the old university in 1969. The univer-sity offers the Licence programs in eight areas: Mathematics, Computer Science and their applications; Engineering; Physics, Chemistry, and their applications; Space Sciences, Organisms, and Biospheres; Life and Health Sciences; Sciences and Techniques of Physical Activity and Sports; Communication and Organizational Management.


treaty [.tri:ti] n. 条约;协议

portfolio [p.:t’f..l...] n. 公文包;文件夹;证券投资组合



早在古罗马时期,图卢兹被称为智慧之城。在中世纪,著名的教皇格里高利(Pope Gregory IX )认为图卢兹大学是世界上最好的大学,赐予图卢兹大学法律、神学、医学、文学的全球最好师职。



图卢兹第二大学又称勒米哈伊大学,它是欧洲最古老的大学之一,也是法国著名的公立大学之一 。1808年该校成为皇家大学,重新组建了科学技术学院、文学学院、法律学院、科学学院和医学院。如今图卢兹第二大学的教学领域主要包括文学、艺术、语言、人文与社会科学、科学技术等。

图卢兹第三大学又称保尔.萨巴梯埃-图卢兹第三大学,该校在1969年成立时,采用了 1912年诺贝尔化学奖得主保尔.萨巴梯埃的名字作为校名。其研究领域主要涉及四个中心:材料科学(物理,化学,材料);数学,信息科学与技术,工程科学与技术;宇宙,行星,环境,太空;生命科学(基础生物学,健康,环境和农业生物学)。




Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years.


Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
