Moscow State University (full name: Lomonosov Moscow State University), previously known as Lomonosov University or MSU, is the oldest and largest university in Russia. Founded in 1755, the university was renamed in honor of its founder, Mikhail Lomonosov (1711—1765, an outstanding Russian scientist, who greatly contributed to the establishment of the university in Moscow), in 1940. It also claims to have the tallest educational building in the world. Russian Empress Elizabeth decreed its creation on January 25, 1755. The first lectures were held on April 26. January 25 is still celebrated as Students" Day in Russia. In the 18th century, the university had three departments: philosophy, medicine, and law. Originally tuition at Moscow University was free for all, later only poor students were exempt from tuition fees. After the October Revolution in 1917, the school began admitting proletariat and peasant children. In 1919, tuition fees were abolished, and a preparatory facility was established to help working class children prepare for entrance exams. The MSU Main building was the tallest building in the world outside of New York City at the time of its construction, and remained the tallest building in Europe until 1990. University students and staff began to enlist in the earliest days of World WarⅡ. During the post-war period, Moscow State University"s contribution to the restoration and further development of the country was recognized. Moscow University played an outstanding role in popularizing science and learning in Russia by making the lectures of its professors open to the public. In 1992, the university was granted a unique status: it is funded directly from the state budget, which provides a significant level of independence.
System: The university has 39 faculties and 15 research centers: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Materials Science, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Faculty of Soil Science, Faculty of Geology, Faculty of Geography, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, Faculty of History, Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Psychology, The Institute of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Faculty of Public Administration , Faculty of World Politics, Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Faculty of Global Studies, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Political Science, Higher School of Business Administration, Moscow School of Economics, Higher School of Translation and Interpretation, Higher School of Public Administration, Higher School of Public Audit, Higher School of Administration and Innovations, Higher School of Innovative Business Administration, Higher School of Modern Social Sciences, Higher School of Television, Faculty of Further Education, Faculty of Military Training.
City show: Moscow is the capital city and the most populous federal subject of Russia. The city is a major political, economic, cultural and scientific center in Russia and in Europe. Moscow"s architecture is world-renowned. Moscow is also well known as the site of Saint Basil’s Cathedral, with its elegant onion domes, as well as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Seven Sisters. The first Kremlin was built in the middle of the twelfth century. One of the most notable art museums in Moscow is the Tretyakov Gallery, which was founded by Pavel Tretyakov, a wealthy patron of the arts who donated a large private collection to the city. Moscow is a very green city, if compared to other cities of comparable size in Western Europe and North America; this is partly due to a history of having green “yards” with trees and grass, between residential buildings.
decree [d..kri] vt. 命令;颁布
philosophy [f..lɑs.fi] n. 哲学;哲理;哲学思想
exempt [.ɡ.z.mpt] a. 被免除的;被豁免的
proletariat [.pr..l..ter..t] n. 最下层阶级,工人阶级,尤指无产阶级
abolish [..bɑl..] vt. 废除;废止
restoration [.r.st..re..n] n. 恢复;复位;复原
popularize [.pɑpj.l..ra.z] vt. 普及;推广
patron [.petr.n] n. 赞助人;保护人
comparable size 同等规模
residential buildings 住宅建筑物;居住房屋
莫斯科大学的校史馆、纪念墙等建筑为整个学校营造出浓重的爱国主义氛围。在新生第一天入学时就有“校园漫步”的活动, 旨在于让新生继承莫斯科大学科学严谨的学术态度,立志献身科学、报效祖国。莫斯科大学主楼是莫斯科七座斯大林式建筑(号称七姐妹)之一,七姐妹是一系列斯大林时代建筑群,结合了巴洛克式城堡塔、中世纪欧洲哥特式与美国二十世纪三十年代摩天楼的特色。斯大林式建筑是典型的中央集权式建筑,大底座、高尖顶,流露出强烈的“一元论”价值观。在主楼内,一楼侧面的文化宫里,置有普希金和高尔基的雕像及其他一些著名作家和社会活动家的大理石半身像。
Can not stand to misunderstand and wrong, became not bosom friend.
经不起误会和冤枉, 就成不了知心朋友。
A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.