
第28章 普告教育家


附J。I,Cather 君原稿如左:

To All Who Teach

It must be the most earnest desire of all who are concerned in teaching the young that children should grow up into kindly men and women,and that the menace of war,under which we have lived so long,should be lifted from them。

But,to arouse kindliness,we must overcome selfishness,and to remove the menace of war it is necessary to do away with the spirit of which it is born。Ultimately,it is within each of us that the trouble lies。We are full of fears of the unknown,of jealousies of others whom we do know and,unfortunately,of indifference to the suffering which does not touch our own lives or which wo do not see。

Our civilization,though we may not realize it,depends to an ever-increasing extent upon exploitation of the animal kindom。Only a comparatively small part of the suffering which results is due to the actions of ignorant and,therefore,brutal men。The greater part is inflicated either by or on behalf of people who cannot plead ignorance as an excuse。

In this relationship to mankind,we may consider the animal kingdom to be divided into two great groups:those animals which we breed,and the wild animals。Over both groups we claim and exercise the sovereign powers of life and death:in both we grossly abuse nature。

The first group includes animals bred for companionship,industry,sport,scientific experiment and food。In all these cases the natural conditions of animal life are denied:in many,the sex life of the animal is interfered with,it lives in confinement,its death-occurring at our pleasure-is often accompanied with great and needless suffering。

In the second group almost all wild creatures are included。It provides the victimms of sportsmen,collectors for museums,agents of menageries and circuses,whalers,feather hunters,fur trappers-the lastmentioned casuing more toument and destruction than all the others together。

At every moment of the day or night hundreds of creatures ate struggling and screaming in traps that we may wear furs,hundreds are waiting in terror their turn at the shambles that we may be fed。The tale of slaughter mounts by hundreds of millions ecery year。Wild animals are being killed off more rapidly than they are being born:many species have already vanished from the earth and the enrite extermination of wild creatures seems now not cery far away。It is a ceritable war which we are conducting;and a war against fellow-creatures which hace no enmity against us and no defence。

However ignorant we may hace been,every one of us must bear responsibility for these present conditions。We need to remedy them quickly,or they will be for ever beyond remedy。

But the problem is one which affects psychology as well as circum stances。Man is an imitative before he becomes a reasoning being,and will not follow teaching which is invariably contradicted by practice。There are irreconcilable inconsistencies between our precept and our example。Life,we say,is the gifr of god,and it is an ecil thing to destroy it:but it is no offence to breed animals in order that they may be killed for amusement or for food。It is wrong to take away liberty:but wild animals may be captured and caged for their whole lives for our gratification。It is wrong to terrify and torment:but animals may be hunted and torn to pieces,and maimed and tortured in the name of research or in order that their skins may be made into coats。

We affirm by our actions and our attitude that this remorseless victimization of entirely helpless creatures is the natural order of the world。Our consciousness does not recognize the distinction which our casuistry draws between our treatment of the weak human being and the weaker animal。The inevitable result is a conviction-deeply implanted and sometimes sub-conscious-that it is inadcisable to injure other human beijings,or nations,only because they may be able to retaliate upon us,and that they will injure us unless we are strong enough to resisr them。Yhus are sown the seeds of suspicion,jealousy,fear and hatred:and houecer much we may try to uproot their grouths,we are continually planting them afresh。

It is in this atmosphere,with our patent indifference to the suffering which we cause added thereto,that our children are being brought up。Unless our desire for peace is to be branded as selfishness,and our teaching of sympathy and brotherly love as hypocrisy,we need to reconsider very closely our attitude to life,we need to recognize the ideal standard of relationship berween ourselces and the animals:a relationship in which we offer them justice instead of a superficial kindness,and inflict no injury upon them for the sake of our own comfort or vanity or profit。We ourselves may be too hardened in our ways to conform fully to such a standard。Let us at least be honest enough to acknowledge wherein we fall short of it,and make whatever adwance towards it we can。We may then set ideal before the young at the very outset of their education,as a part of the foundation on which their lives should be built。J。L。C。