
第25章 青春不老,理想不死(12)

There are refugees in all parts ofthe world. When I was at the Maelarefugee camp in Thailand recently, Imet dedicated people who were strivingdaily to make the lives of the inmatesas free from hardship as possible. Theyspoke of their concern over “donorfatigue”, which could also translateas “compassion fatigue”. “Donorfatigue” expresses itself precisely inthe reduction of funding. “Compassionfatigue” expresses itself less obviouslyin the reduction of concern. One is theconsequence of the other. Can we affordto indulge in compassion fatigue? Is thecost of meeting the needs of refugeesgreater than the cost that would beconsequent on turning an indifferent,if not a blind, eye on their suffering? Iappeal to donors the world over to fulfillthe needs of these people who are insearch, often it must seem to them a vainsearch, of refuge.


At Maela, I had valuable discussionswith Thai officials responsible for theadministration of Tak province wherethis and several other camps are situated. They acquainted me with some of themore serious problems related to refugeecamps: violation of forestry laws,illegal drug use, home brewed spirits,the problems of controlling malaria,tuberculosis, dengue fever and cholera. The concerns of the administration areas legitimate as the concerns of therefugees. Host countries also deserveconsideration and practical help incoping with the difficulties related totheir responsibilities.


Ultimately our aim should be tocreate a world free from the displaced,the homeless and the hopeless, a worldof which each and every corner is atrue sanctuary where the inhabitantswill have the freedom and the capacityto live in peace. Every thought, everyword, and every action that adds tothe positive and the wholesome is acontribution to peace. Each and everyone of us is capable of making such acontribution. Let us join hands to try tocreate a peaceful world where we cansleep in security and wake in happiness.


The Nobel Committee concluded itsstatement of 14 October 1991 with thewords: “In awarding the Nobel Peace Prize... to Aung San Suu Kyi, the NorwegianNobel Committee wishes to honour thiswoman for her unflagging efforts andto show its support for the many peoplethroughout the world who are striving toattain democracy, human rights and ethnicconciliation by peaceful means.” When Ijoined the democracy movement in Burmait never occurred to me that I might everbe the recipient of any prize or honour. The prize we were working for was a free,secure and just society where our peoplemight be able to realize their full potential. The honour lay in our endeavour. Historyhad given us the opportunity to give ofour best for a cause in which we believed. When the Nobel Committee chose tohonour me, the road I had chosen of myown free will became a less lonely path tofollow. For this I thank the Committee, thepeople of Norway and peoples all over theworld whose support has strengthened myfaith in the common quest for peace. Thankyou.
