
第5章 The Octopus Marooned(2)

“First we went to the main saloonsaloon n.大会客室, 公共大厅, 酒吧间 in Bird City, called the Blue Snake, and bought it. It cost us 1,200. And then we dropped in, casual, at Mexican Joes place, referred to the rain, and bought him out for 500. The other one came easy at 400.


“The next morning Bird City woke up and found itself an island. The river had busted through its old channel, and the town was surrounded by roaring torrents. The rain was still raining, and there was heavy clouds in the northwest that presaged about six more mean annual rainfalls during the next two weeks. But the worst was yet to come.


“Bird City hopped out of its nest, waggled its pin feathers and strolled out for its matutinal toot. Lo! Mexican Joes place was closed and likewise the other little dobe life saving station. So, naturally the body politic emits thirsty ejaculationsejaculation n.突然说出, 射精, 射出 of surprise and ports hellum for the Blue Snake. And what does it find there?


“Behind one end of the bar sits Jefferson Peters, octopus, with a sixshooter on each side of him, ready to make change or corpsescorpse n.尸体 as the case may be. There are three bartenders, and on the wall is a ten foot sign reading, ‘All Drinks One Dollar.’ Andy sits on the safe in his neat blue suit and goldbanded cigar, on the lookout for emergenciesemergencies n.紧急事件,紧急需要. The town marshal is there with two deputies to keep order, having been promised free drinks by the trust.


“Well, sir, it took Bird City just ten minutes to realize that it was in a cage. We expected trouble, but there wasnt any. The citizens saw that we had em. The nearest railroad was thirty miles away, and it would be two weeks at least before the river would be fordable. So they began to cuss, amiableamiable adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的, and throw down dollars on the bar till it sounded like a selection on the xylophone.


“There was about 1,500 grownup adults in Bird City that had arrived at years of indiscretionindiscretion n.欠详虑, 不慎重, 轻率, 轻举妄动, and the majority of em required from three to twenty drinks a day to make life endurable. The Blue Snake was the only place where they could get em till the flood subsided. It was beautiful and simple as all truly great swindles are.


“About ten oclock the silver dollars dropping on the bar slowed down to playing twosteps and marches instead of jigs. But I looked out the window and saw a hundred or two of our customers standing in line at Bird City Savings and Loan Co., and I knew they were borrowing more money to be sucked in by the clammyclammy adj.湿粘的, 湿冷的 tendrilstendril n.[植]卷须, 蔓, 卷须状之物 of the octopus.


“At the fashionable hour of noon everybody went home to dinner. We told the bartenders to take advantage of the lull, and do the same. Then me and Andy counted the receiptsreceipt n.收条, 收据, 收到 v.收到. We had taken in 1,300. We calculated that if Bird City would only remain an island for two weeks the trust would be able to endow the Chicago University with a new dormitory of padded cells for the faculty, and present every worthyworthy n.杰出人物, 知名人士 adj.有价值的, 应……的,可敬的, 值得的, 相称的 poor man in Texas with a farm, provided he furnished the site for it.


“Andy was especial inroaded by selfesteem at our success, the rudimentsrudiments n 初步;入门 of the scheme having originated in his own surmises and premonitionspremonition n.前兆. He got off the safe and lit the biggest cigar in the house.


“‘Jeff,’ says he, ‘I dont suppose that anywhere in the world you could find three cormorantscormorant n.鸬鹚, 贪婪的人 adj.贪婪的 with brighter ideas about downtreading the proletariatproletariat n.(古罗马社会中的)最下层阶级, 工人阶级,尤指无产阶级 than the firm of Peters, Satan and Tucker, incorporated. We have sure handed the small consumer a giant blow in the sole apoplecticapoplectic n.患中风者 adj.中风的, 易患中风的 region. No?


“‘Well,’ says I, ‘it does look as if we would have to take up gastritisgastritis n.[医]胃炎 and golf or be measured for kilts in spite of ourselves. This little turn in bug juice is, verily, all to the Skibo. And I can stand it,’ says I, ‘Id rather batten than bant any day.’


“Andy pours himself out four fingers of our best rye and does with it as was so intended. It was the first drink I had ever known him to take.


“‘By way of liberation,’ says he, ‘to the gods.’


“And then after thus doing umbrageumbrage n.树阴, 不快 to the heathen diabetes he drinks another to our success. And then he begins to toast the trade, beginning with Raisuli and the Northern Pacific, and on down the line to the little ones like the school book combine and the oleomargarineoleomargarine n.人造黄油 outrages and the Lehigh Valley and Great Scott Coal Federation.
