
第6章 The Octopus Marooned(3)

“‘Its all right, Andy,’ says I, ‘to drink the health of our brother monopolistsmonopolist n.专利者, but dont overdo the wassail. You know our most eminent and loathed multicorruptionists live on weak tea and dog biscuits.’


“Andy went in the back room awhile and came out dressed in his best clothes. There was a kind of murderousmurderous adj.杀人的, 造成死亡的, <口>非常危险的(或困难,难受)的 and soulful look of gentle riotousness in his eye that I didnt like. I watched him to see what turn the whiskey was going to take in him. There are two times when you never can tell what is going to happen. One is when a man takes his first drink; and the other is when a woman takes her latest.


“In less than an hour Andys skate had turned to an ice yacht. He was outwardly decent and managed to preservepreserve vt.保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏 vi.做蜜饯, 禁猎 n.蜜饯, 果酱, 禁猎地, 禁区, 防护物 his aquarium, but inside he was impromptuimpromptu n.即席演出, 即兴曲 adj.即席的 adv.即席地,未经准备地 and full of unexpectedness.


“‘Jeff,’ says he, ‘do you know that Im a crater—a living crater?’


“‘Thats a selfevident hypothesishypothesis n.假设.’ says I. ‘But youre not Irish. Why dont you say “creature”,according to the rules and syntaxsyntax n.[语]语法, 有秩序的排列, 句子构造, 句法 of America?’


“‘Im the crater of a volcano.’ says he. ‘Im all aflame and crammed inside with an assortmentassortment n.分类 of words and phrases that have got to have an exodus. I can feel millions of synonymssynonym n.同义字 and parts of speech rising in me,’ says he, ‘and Ive got to make a speech of some sort. Drink,’says Andy,‘always drives me to oratory.’


“‘It could do no worse.’ says I.


“‘From my earliest recollectionsrecollection n.回忆, 记忆, 回想,’ says he, ‘alcohol seemed to stimulate my sense of recitation and rhetoric. Why, in Bryans second campaign,’ says Andy, ‘they used to give me three gin rickeysrickey n.<美> 杜松子酒和柠檬汁、汽水的混合饮料 and Id speak two hours longer than Billy himself could on the silver question. Finally, they persuaded me to take the gold cure.’


“‘If youve got to get rid of your excess verbiageverbiage n.空话,’ says I, ‘why not go out on the river bank and speak a piece? It seems to me there was an old spellbinder named Cantharides that used to go and disincorporatedisincorporate vt.解散法人组织 himself of his windy numbers along the seashore.’


“‘No,’ says Andy, ‘I must have an audience. I feel like if I once turned loose people would begin to call Senator Beveridge the Grand Young Sphinx of the Wabash. Ive got to get an audience together, Jeff, and get this oral distensiondistension n.膨胀, 延伸 assuaged or it may turn in on me and Id go about feeling like a deckleedge edition de luxe of Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth.’


“On what special subject of the theoremstheorem n.[数]定理, 法则 and topics does your desire for vocalityvocality n.声乐, 声音 seem to be connected with?”I asks.
