
第2章 The Road to Happiness幸福之路(1)

There are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, i.e. health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, are profoundly unhappy.

The Road to Happiness

Bertrand Russell

It is a commonplacecommonplace n.平凡的事, 平常话 among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it. This is only true if you pursue it unwisely. Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money which often succeed.





So it is with happiness. If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hangover. EpicurusEpicurus 伊壁鸠鲁(公元前342?—前270, 古希腊杰出唯物主义和无神论者) pursued it by living only in congenial congenial adj.性格相似的, 适意的 society and eating only dry bread, supplementedsupplement v.补充 by a little cheese on feast days.

His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian valetudinarian n.体弱多病的人 , and most people would need something more vigorous vigorous adj.精力旺盛的, 有力的, 健壮的 .

For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequateadequate adj.适当的, 足够的 as a personal rule of life.




But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible incompatible adj.性质相反的, 矛盾的, 不调和的 with happiness.

There are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, i.e. health and a sufficient sufficient adj.充分的, 足够的 income, and who, nevertheless nevertheless conj.然而, 不过 , are profoundly unhappy. In such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live.

In one sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. We imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are. Animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as externalexternal adj.外部的, 客观的, [医]外用的, 外国的, 表面的 conditions are favorable.




If you have a cat it will enjoy life if it has food and warmth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles tile n.瓦片, 瓷砖 . Your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis in instinct instinct n.本能 .

In civilized societies, especially in Englishspeaking societies, this is too apt apt adj.易于……的, 有……倾向的, 灵敏的 to be forgotten. People propose to themselves some one paramount paramount adj.极为重要的 objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it.

A businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices sacrifice v.牺牲, 献出, 献祭, 供奉 health and private affections. When at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations exhortation n.劝告, 讲道词, 训词 to imitate his noble example.


