
第9章 I Was Stepdad我当继父(2)

We learned from each other. But I do not mean to give you the idea that talk is all it takes to be a good parent or stepparent. Parenting occurs on a constantlyconstantly adv.不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地 changing field.

Children who are angels one day may be monstersmonster n.怪物, 妖怪 the next day. They can exercise judgement and show a wisdom that affirms all the teaching and talking and discipline, and the next day throw a snowball through the church window or carve their name in an antiqueantique n.古物, 古董adj.古时的, 过时的 .

Fortunately it was never my goal to supplant their real father in their affection. They always called me Dan and were sweet to me, but there was a gap that would not close; they were just a bit reluctant to engage inengage in v.使从事于, 参加 things with only me.




One day after a couple of months since we live together, the kids and I were riding our bicycles around the neighborhood. David started to fuss about being tired, then hungry, then bored, and Jane provokedprovoke vt.激怒, 挑拨, 煽动, 惹起, 驱使 him by assuming an air of maternalmaternal adj.母亲的, 似母亲的, 母性的 superioritysuperiority n.优越, 高傲 . An argument broke out, and for the first time I spoke to them sternlysternly adv.严厉地, 苛刻地, 坚决地 .

“Listen,” I said, “you dont have to think of me as your father—Im not interested in replacing him. But I am married to your mother. I know you didnt have any choice in this matter, but here we are, living together. As an adult I have a responsibility to look out for your wellbeing, which includes sharings some fun together. So Im probably going to act like a parent until youre grown up. We might as well find ways to get along. So, right now, what do you want to do: go home or ride your bikes?”



They both chose to ride on, and we had a great time that afternoon. I think they were relievedrelieved adj.放心的 to hear me say that I was not trying to replace their real father.

I dont think either of them ever questioned my love for them. I always told them that I loved them, but it was perhaps even more important that I talked to them, listened to them, respected them and made no special demands on their loyalty loyalty n.忠诚, 忠心 .

Yet this analysis is so glib glib adj.口齿伶俐的, 油腔滑调的 , so incomplete. The truth is more complicated. Of course our sanesane adj.健全的 resolve to avoid the horrorshorror n.惊骇, 恐怖, 惨事, 极端厌恶 of some divorces and some stepfamilies was essential.




But lets be honest: luck was also on our side. Health has never been a problem, and my stepchildren have known a host of older relatives.

Their real father and stepmother are both college professors with doctorates doctorate n.博士头衔 . My wife, with an MA, has been a school administrator for over twenty years.

Reading, writing, analyzing, problemsolving and philosophizing have always been part of my childrens daily life.

And my stepchildren were encouraged to dream, and taught that their dreams could come true. They were encouraged to work hard, and told by their society that their hard work would lead to a good life.

They have expected a good life. But any child from any country would turn out well with such abundant abundant adj.丰富的, 充裕的 good fortune.






I have always thought that being a parent had little to do with biological connections. For one thing, there are so many bad parents who are biological parents. And history is full of nurturing adultchild relationships that have nothing to do with blood. As for the perpetuation of a name, what is one Warthman or Wang more or less in the world?

My stepchildren will perpetuate perpetuate vt.使永存, 使不朽 whatever they think is important—things from me, their mother, their father, their stepmother, their teachers, their friends.

What makes me happy is that they are independent thinkers, insightful and perceptive, clearheaded; that they are kind; that they care about the world and its people. I am honored to be a part of their lives, to be able to claim them as my family.



