



A Plumber

My daughter Judy, who works for a plumbing company, found herself in need of a plumber at home. When she got to work, she asked that a plumber be sent. For several days her request was ignored.

In desperation, as she departed one afternoon she left her boss this note - “I will come to work in the morning as soon as a plumber gets to my house. ” One arrived shortly before 7 a.m..


(1) plumber n.水管修理工

(2) ignore v.不理;不顾

(3) desperation n.不顾一切的冒险;拼命

(4) depart v.离开




A Preacher,s Topic

A preacher was asked to give a talk at a local women,s health symposium. His wife asked about his topic, but he was too embarrassed to admit that he had been asked to speak about sex. Thinking quickly, he replied, “I,m talking about sailing.”

“Oh, that,s nice,” said his wife.

The next day, at the grocery store, a young woman who had attended the lecture recognized the ministers wife. “That was certainly an excellent talk your husband gave yesterday, ” she said. “He really has a unique perspective on the subject.” Somewhat chagrined, the minister,s wife replied, “Gee, funny you should think so. I mean, he,s only done it twice. The first time he threw up, and the second time, his hat blew off.” Notes:

(1) preacher n.传教士

(2) symposium n. 专题研讨会

(3) embarrassed adj. 局促不安的

(4) grocery n. 杂货业

(5) unique adj. 独特的

(6) perspective n. 观点;看法

(7) chagrined adj. 懊恼的

(8) throw up 呕吐





A Prospective Horse Buyer

Then there was the preacher who decided to sell his horse. A prospective buyer was impressed with the animal, but the preacher said, “ I must warn you-he only responds to church talk. Go is Praise the Lord,, and stop is Hallelujah”.

“I,ve worked with horses all my life,” said the buyer, “and I,ve never heard of anything like this.” Mounting the horse, he said skeptically, “ Praise the Lord.” The horse began to trot. He repeated “Praise the Lord” and the horse broke into a gallop. Suddenly the buyer saw a cliff dead ahead. Frantic, he yelled “Hallelujah”, and they came to a stop a foot from the edge.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, the buyer said, “Praise the Lord!” Notes:

(1) prospective adj.预期的;可能的

(2) preacher n.传教者

(3) impress v.给予强烈影响;留下深刻印象

(4) respond v.有反应

(5) Praise the Lord感谢上帝

(6) Hallelujah哈里路亚(赞美上帝之语)

(7) skeptically adv.怀疑地

(8) trot v.小跑

(9) gallop n.疾驰;飞奔

(10) dead adv.完全地;绝对地

(11) dead ahead正前方





A Small Surprise

When his wife was expecting their third child, a father decided to tell his two sons, ages seven and nine, the facts of life. He checked out several books from the library on how parents should approach the subject. After stumbling through an explanation, he took a deep breath, and said, “Now, boys, do you have any questions?”

“Yes,” the younger boy answered immediately.

“Go ahead,” said the man, his heart in his throat.

“Can we,” his son asked, “have new baseball gloves?”


(1) the facts of life(口语,委婉语)性知识(例如讲给孩子们听的)

(2) check out挑选出;筛选出

(3) stumble v.结结巴巴地说话






A Speeding Motorist

A highway patrol officer stopped a speeding motorist. “Don,t you know what the blinking lights and siren mean?” he demanded.

“Yes, sir,” replied the driver.

“Then why didn,t you pull over immediately?”

“I would have, officer, ” the man said. “But last month my wife ran off with a policeman, and I was afraid you were bringing her back. ”


(1) patrol n.巡逻

(2) blinking adj.闪烁的

(3) siren n.警笛

(4) pull over(将车、船等)开向一边让其他车、船超越

(5) run off with(sb.)与……私奔






A Stubborn Horse

The great novelist had gone mad, but now there seemed to be some hope for his recovery. For six months, he had been sitting at his typewriter pounding out a novel. Finally, he pronounced it completed and brought the book to his psychiatrist, who eagerly began reading it aloud:

“ General Jackson leaped upon his faithful horse and yelled,Giddyap, giddyap, giddyap, giddyap,” The doctor thumbed through the rest of the manu.“ There,s nothing here but 500 pages of giddyaps! ” he exclaimed.

“Stubborn horse,” explained the writer.Notes:

(1) go mad 发疯

(2) pound v.连续重击;砰砰地打

(3) pronounce v.宣称;宣布

(4) psychiatrist n.精神病专家

(5) leap upon跃上(马)

(6) thumb through以拇指翻动(书页)

(7) manu n.草稿





A Talk on the Phone

I teach computer courses, and my students often call me at home with questions. One morning I was on the phone, explaining in computer language the solution to a problem, while a repairman was fixing my refrigerator. After an endless stream of “C colon, back slash, greater than, CD, backslash, DOS, C colon” and so on, I hung up and found the repairman staring at me. “Lady,” he asked, are you a spy?Notes:

(1) computer language 计算机语言

(2) refrigerator n. 冰箱

(3) backslash n. 回车

(4) greater than大于号

(5) DOS 计算机语言中的DOS处理



A Thankyou Note

Once I received a thankyou note from a friend whom I had helped. In the envelope were five lottery tickets that had been scratched, revealing the numbers. “Thank you very much for your help,” the note read. “As a gift, I bought you some lottery tickets-sorry you didn,t win. ” Notes:

(1) lottery n.彩票

(2) scratch v.刮

(3) reveal v.显出



A Vacation Cruise